Hi Adam,

I have an issue measuring 95 percentile interface using two different methods.
If I go to the Port page for a specific interface and select a date range for example from 2015-07-01 00:00:00 to 2015-08-01 00:00:00 the 95 % for IN traffic is 563.87M
Meanwhile if i take the same measure  using the traffic accounting for this interface the 95% is 685M
There is something I ain't understand? Or is really an issue? --

Regards Andrés
Enviado desde la aplicación myMail para Android

-------- Forwarded message -------- De: "Julio Policarpo - NOC CABASE" <noc.julio@cabase.org.ar> CC: <andres@cabase.org.ar> Fecha: miércoles, 05 agosto 2015, 06:49PM -03:00 Asunto: Graficos del 95th Observium

Andres, te mando los dos gráficos.




Julio Policarpo


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