Hello all. Just installed Observium CE on CentOS 7.4 and am tinkering with it. It graphs, it discovers devices via CDP/XDP, it’s really cool.
Now what do I do with it?
I know, I know, I should have had a destination in mind before I took to the road. But the program looked so cool that I installed it just to see what it could do.
One question I would really like to have it answer for me is this: I have some period slow-downs on my network. Can I get Observium to show me the busiest ports on a switch, so I can track down the culprit (if it’s due to traffic?)
I’ve been prowling the interwebs for my information. That was a helpful method of getting information to install it and make it work, and comb out some of the early bugs, but I’m finding it harder to locate hints on how to rally exploit
this excellent resource to make my network better/faster/stronger/able to leap tall packets in a single bound.
Thomas M. Peters | Sr. Systems Administrator |
Desk: 414.343.1720 | Helpdesk: x3400 or helpdesk@mcts.org
Milwaukee County Transit System
1942 N 17th Street | Milwaukee, WI 53205
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