I guess some changes we’ve done to authentication in the last 6 months have made it less able to handle the azure proxy.


I’d recommend keeping a blank dashboard for the time being J


At some point in the future I’d like to add auth caching to try to reduce how chatty we are with the auth back-end.




From: observium <observium-bounces@observium.org> On Behalf Of Ahmed Rahal via observium
Sent: 04 June 2020 14:35
To: Observium <observium@observium.org>
Cc: Ahmed Rahal <arahal@fibrenoire.ca>
Subject: Re: [Observium] Observium behind azure app proxy


Hi Adam,


Indeed, through my testing I get disconnected from time to time.

I spotted a case where I get a 'Remote IP changed' message on the login page.

May be linked to some load-balancing through the proxy layers.

This, for now, does not seem to be a big issue.

I also had some glitches with the menu bar not showing up correctly. It happened sporadically, and lasted for hours only to disappear afterwards.

I am suspecting the Azure Proxy to mess up things a bit.


One widget trashing the authentication is indeed what it looks like, because I usually get some showing along with some other unauthenticated, then progressively all show the message.




Le mer. 3 juin 2020, à 22 h 17, Adam Armstrong via observium <observium@observium.org> a écrit :



I assume this is some rate limiting or other issue with the proxy. Observium’s authentication isn’t very “smart”, it doesn’t cache auth and tries to authenticate every request. I assume what’s happening is that a widget request is not being correctly authenticated, which is then setting the whole session as unauthenticated.


Do you occasionally get logged out doing other things?




From: observium <observium-bounces@observium.org> On Behalf Of Ahmed Rahal via observium
Sent: 03 June 2020 16:20
To: Observium <observium@observium.org>
Cc: Ahmed Rahal <arahal@fibrenoire.ca>
Subject: [Observium] Observium behind azure app proxy




I am using observium walled behind an azure application proxy.

This mainly exposes an AD authenticated endpoint publicly and proxies all allowed users to the real host.


This has been working fine with observium community edition.

Now I am switching to the enterprise version of observium and get errors on the dashboard saying 'unauthenticated' for each widget. Note that some of the widgets randomly appear working, then become 'unauthenticated' on a refresh.

Also, when on the 'broken' dashboard, refreshing the page sends back to the login page.

I can switch back and forth between the 2 versions (community & enterprise, with same config.php) and the issue appears instantly with the enterprise version.

How can I diagnose the issue ?

Is there any hint on what is going wrong ?





Ahmed Rahal

Administrateur de Systèmes / Systems Administrator

Fibrenoire - www.fibrenoire.ca

A: 550

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Montréal (Québec)

 H3N 1V1


Twitter: @fibrenoire

observium mailing list


Ahmed Rahal

Administrateur de Systèmes / Systems Administrator

Fibrenoire - www.fibrenoire.ca

A: 550

, avenue 




Montréal (Québec)

 H3N 1V1


Twitter: @fibrenoire