in this case there is OID and CLI info from CISCO SG300-10 switch and SFP in slot GI9 with DOM support
Only in CLI there is mW for Power in SNMPwalk there is dBm but same value dBm is right value for DOM monitoring
iso. = INTEGER: 47
iso. = INTEGER: 3211700
iso. = INTEGER: 6289
iso. = INTEGER: -6809
iso. = INTEGER: -9626
iso. = INTEGER: 0
iso. = INTEGER: 0
iso. = INTEGER: 0
Port Temp Voltage Current Output Input LOS
[C] [Volt] [mA] Power Power
[mWatt] [mWatt]
----------- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ---
gi1 Copper
gi2 Copper
gi3 Copper
gi4 Copper
gi5 Copper
gi6 Copper
gi7 Copper
gi8 Copper
gi9 47 3.20 6.28 0.20 0.10 No
gi10 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Temp - Internally measured transceiver temperature
Voltage - Internally measured supply voltage
Current - Measured TX bias current
Output Power - Measured TX output power in milliWatts
Input Power - Measured RX received power in milliWatts
LOS - Loss of signal
N/A - Not Available, N/S - Not Supported, W - Warning, E - Error
Tomas Chott
technický ředitel
Phone: +420 245 004 005
Mobile: +420 733 123 135
Metropolitní sí» Praha 1 z.s.p.o.
Jindrisska 18
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic