Hi all.
I update Community Edition to Version 20.9.

I followed steps reported in page https://docs.observium.org/updating/

cd /opt
mv observium observium_old}}

wget -Oobservium-community-latest.tar.gz https://www.observium.org/observium-community-latest.tar.gz
tar zxvf observium-community-latest.tar.gz}}

mv /opt/observium_old/rrd observium/
mv /opt/observium_old/logs observium/}}
mv /opt/observium_old/config.php observium/

I update DB schema and PHP scripts (discovery and poller) work correcty. I can see homepage, but if I try to enter devices section https://observium2.qcom.it/device, I receive a blank page with "File not found" message.

Any ideas?
