No go ghostrider... 

I’ll have a look at the syslog and send mail logs tomorrow and try to find the hang up. I just restarted a device an no email.

Maybe it’s not even sending to the sendmail processor. Who knows..

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 11, 2019, at 20:56, Adam Armstrong via observium <> wrote:

Remove the first three settings you pasted and it'll probably work.


On 2019-02-12 01:40:43, Ryan Huff via observium <> wrote:

Having issues getting the alert to mail. I am not using SMTP, I have sendmail installed locally to the OS. If I use the PHP mail(); function in a test script and execute it in the broswer, it sends mail just fine. Here is the email params in my 'config.php' file:

$config['email']['enable'] = TRUE;
$config['email']['backend'] = 'mail';
$config['email']['sendmail_path']   = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
$config['alerts']['interval'] = 40000;

$config['email']['default']        = "";
$config['email']['from']           = "Observium <>";
$config['email']['default_only']   = TRUE;

Any thoughts mates?


Ryan Huff, CCDP, CCNP
Cisco Certified Network and Design Professional
observium mailing list;data=02%7C01%7C%7C9547be65f9e846f7913808d6908d55ca%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636855334032716304&amp;sdata=xGDxSz5PcPe%2FZPbMXWREbq17%2BBAoOCAd3X0lu7fe8M0%3D&amp;reserved=0