I guess it can work if by multiple pollers you mean you have 2 different servers running observium pollers and both have the syslog-module enabled. The syslog process just listens for syslog-packets, parses them and then inserts the parsed data in the MySQL-database. If you have a loadbalancer in front the balances all UDP-packets to the different observium-servers then there should not be any duplicate packets and I guess it should be no problems. All your devices can just send syslog to the loadbalancer IP and they get distrubuted to the observium-servers. If you dont have a loadbalancer and just add the different observium-IPs as syslog-destinations then they might send the same message to all the servers as Adam says and then you will have duplicate messages in the DB. /Markus
Den tis 26 mars 2019 kl 16:18 skrev Adam Armstrong via observium < observium@observium.org>:
The poller process isn't actually handling the syslog, that's done by the syslog daemon itself, which calls a php script to inject the messages into MySQL.
There's not really much of a logical way to do what you're asking, because we can never know if a message is a duplicate or not.
On 2019-03-26 14:07:13, Ron Culler via observium observium@observium.org wrote:
I know you can set multiple pollers to query the devices but is it possible to also enable syslog on each poller as well?
I would like to have multiple syslog servers for load and redundancy.
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