You need to subscribe using our subscription portal at https://www.observium.org/subs/
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You then use this username and password during the install/upgrade process when prompted.
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On 7 Jan 2016, 12:40, at 12:40, Ankit Dubey Ankit.Dubey@mtsindia.in wrote:
Hi, I have installed community version and wish to upgrade it to paid version.
I have gone through the link http://www.observium.org/docs/updating/#migrate-an-existing-community-editio... Please let me know - Do I need to pay and subscribe in advance on different system and install it on that system and transfer old config.php to new setup Or Do I need to provide internet connectivity to my existing server and need to put below mentioned command on this already running system - but when I will be prompted for payment? cd /opt mv observium observium-old svn co http://svn.observium.org/svn/observium/branches/stable observium cp observium-old/config.php observium mv observium-old/rrd observium-old/logs observium cd observium ./discovery.php -u
Please provide contact detail of any sales person, with whom I can chat in detail regarding this as I need to procure two licenses on urgent basis.
Best regards
Ankit Dubey Lead, Packet Core Planning Division Network, CORPORATE CENTER
-----Original Message----- From: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] On Behalf Of observium-request@observium.org Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 9:36 AM To: observium@observium.org Subject: observium Digest, Vol 64, Issue 133
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Today's Topics:
- MySQL application (Geoff Johnson)
- Re: MySQL application (Spencer Ryan)
- upgrade community version to paid version (Ankit Dubey)
- Re: upgrade community version to paid version (Adam Armstrong)
- Re: upgrade community version to paid version (Cody Cook)
Message: 1 Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 16:43:48 -0800 From: Geoff Johnson geoff.johnson@coanda.ca To: observium@observium.org Subject: [Observium] MySQL application Message-ID: CAB5X9BuAbNupewAXc=w7hymJPvx_WrAHFY8--YvLF9CW61=HAg@mail.gmail.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
The instructions for configuring the MySQL application at https://observium.org/w/Application/MySQL are unclear about where the database user must be created. Do the user create steps need to be done on every host running MySQL that you want to monitor, or just once on the Observium server? I assume that it's the former, just looking for clarification.
Thanks, Geoff