Thanks Adam,
I’ll keep an eye out for the next stable release and test it again then. Thank you all for your assistance with the issue.
Kind regards,
From: observium [] On Behalf Of Adam Armstrong Sent: 25 October 2017 20:20 To: Subject: Re: [Observium] APC Environmental Bars no longer displaying Health Graphs
I've tested a similar device and it discovered these sensors fine for me using the current version:
___ _ _
/ _ \ | |__ ___ ___ _ __ __ __(_) _ _ _ __ ___
| | | || '_ \ / __| / _ | '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \
| |_| || |_) |__ | __/| | \ V / | || |_| || | | | | |
___/ |_.__/ |___/ ___||_| _/ |_| __,_||_| |_| |_|
Observium Professional 17.10.8929
##### Starting discovery run at 2017-10-25 16:28:22 #####
##### xxxxxxx [613] #####
o OS Type netbotz
o OS Group apc
o SNMP Version v2c
o Last discovery 0000-00-00 00:00:00
o Last duration 0.02 seconds
##### Module Start: sensors #####
o PowerNet-MIB Caching OIDs: upsHighPrecInput upsHighPrecOutput upsAdvInput upsAdvOutput upsHighPrecBattery upsAdvBattery emsProbeStatusTable ++++++++++iemConfigProbesTable iemStatusProbesTable uioSensorStatusTable memSensorsStatusTable coolingUnitStatusAnalogTable coolingUnitExtendedAnalogTable coolingUnitStatusDiscreteTable coolingUnitExtendedDiscreteTable mUpsContactTable accessPX
o PowerNet-MIB emsInputContactStatusEntry [++++++] ]
o Duration 38.5361s
r8889 is the last stable version. It's two weeks old at this point. The change you're waiting for was in r8913. It'll appear in stable the next time we merge changes down to it.
As any RHEL user knows, using "stable" releases just means you get stuck with bugs for longer. :D
On 2017-10-25 15:16:27, Alex Winder wrote:
Hi Mike,
Yes I have rediscovered the device after each update and keep having the same issue.
I have done 2 discoveries and attached them to this email. One on 8827 (the last version to work correctly) and one on the latest version, in this case 8889.
Kind regards, Alex
-----Original Message----- From: observium [] On Behalf Of Mike Stupalov Sent: 24 October 2017 09:10 To: Observium Subject: Re: [Observium] APC Environmental Bars no longer displaying Health Graphs
You rediscovered device after update?
Show debug log:
./discovery.php -d -m sensors -h
Alex Winder wrote:
HI all,
I’ve just tried updating to the latest version and we still have the same issue in 8889. Is there anything further I can provide to assist with resolving this? We’d very much like to be able to use the latest version.
Kind regards,
*From:*Alex Winder [] *Sent:* 19 September 2017 14:39 *To:* 'Observium' *Subject:* RE: [Observium] APC Environmental Bars no longer displaying Health Graphs
Thanks Tom J
Just wondering if anything more is required from my part regarding this?
We’re still experiencing the same issue.
Kind regards,
*From:*observium [] *On Behalf Of *Tom Laermans *Sent:* 14 September 2017 11:23 *To:* *Subject:* Re: [Observium] APC Environmental Bars no longer displaying Health Graphs
Hi Alex,
Adam actually meant to write "-m sensors" as it should be a literal string to just run the sensors module. But if you omitted it the requested info is still there, so this is just FYI for next time :-)
On 09/14/2017 10:45 AM, Alex Winder wrote:
Hi Adam,
Sorry for the delay, I got swamped yesterday afternoon.
I’ve attached the output of the debug, one from 8827 and one from 8841.
I must apologise I’m not sure which sensors to use so I’ve ran the command without the –m option. If this is incorrect then please let me know.
Kind regards,
*From:*observium [] *On Behalf Of *Adam Armstrong *Sent:* 13 September 2017 15:24 *To:* *Subject:* Re: [Observium] APC Environmental Bars no longer displaying Health Graphs
Interesting, your historical RRDs are from the ems table, but those sensors also exist in the mem table. We should collect them from both.
can yuou do :
./poller.php -h -m -d >> debug.txt
and send me the output? :D
On 2017-09-13 14:15:40, Alex Winder
Hi Adam,
Appreciate the help, thanks J
Ran the output twice, once on 8827, and once on 8841 to compare the difference.
Both times being run I got the following output to screen:
Expected "(" (_): At line 67 in mibs/apc/NETBOTZV2-MIB
Bad operator ((): At line 67 in mibs/apc/NETBOTZV2-MIB
Warning: This entry is pretty silly (bgp4V2TC): At line 25 in mibs/rfc/BGP4V2-TC-MIB
Warning: This entry is pretty silly (bgp4V2): At line 39 in mibs/rfc/BGP4V2-MIB
snmpbulkwalk run both times from the Observium installation location (/opt/observium).
I’ve found so far that the latest version it works on is 8827. 8829, the next stable release after according to svn log, contains the issue.
I’ve attached the output of the command you requested, along with an output of the contents of rrd/ for the device, if it’s of any use to you J
To me there doesn’t appear to be anything which stands out as an obvious difference in the files, but you may spot something I’m overlooking.
Kind regards,
*From:*observium [] *On Behalf Of *Adam Armstrong *Sent:* 13 September 2017 13:35 *To:* *Subject:* Re: [Observium] APC Environmental Bars no longer displaying Health Graphs
Run :
snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c -M mibs/rfc:mibs/apc -m ALL . >> snmpwalk.txt
and send me the output :D
On 2017-09-13 13:03:40, Adam Armstrong
Do you know what the type of the sensor was? (can probably work this out from the rrd filename in the rrd dir!)
What's the sysObjectID of your device?
On 2017-09-13 12:58:34, Alex Winder
Hi Adam,
I’ve just updated to 8841 and the graphs have disappeared again. Would it be best to submit this to JIRA?
Kind regards,
*From:*Alex Winder [] *Sent:* 13 September 2017 12:23 *To:* 'Observium' *Subject:* RE: [Observium] APC Environmental Bars no longer displaying Health Graphs
Thanks for the response Adam, will go back to the latest version J
*From:*observium [] *On Behalf Of *Adam Armstrong *Sent:* 13 September 2017 00:22 *To:*
*Subject:* Re: [Observium] APC Environmental Bars no longer displaying Health Graphs
This is because I stupidly accidentally removed powernet-mib from netbotz devices. They should be back now! :)
On 2017-09-11 09:12:59, Alex Winder
Hi guys,
Anyone found anything similar to below? We’ve had to rollback to 8725 – the last version we were on before the update. The temperature and humidity graphs have come back and are now working. Seems that the logo is still the same as NetBotz, likely I was confusing it with another device.
Anyone have any ideas why we lose temperature/humidity graphs in 8829?
Kind regards,
*From:*Observium [] *Sent:* 08 September 2017 21:09 *To:* 'Observium Network Observation System' *Subject:* APC Environmental Bars no longer displaying Health Graphs
Hi all,
We have 2 APC environmental management agents which we’ve been using to monitoring temperature and humidity.
We’ve upgraded to 17.9.8829 (stable) this morning, however the logo for each of these devices has changed to NetBotz, instead of the normal APC one. We’ve lost all health related graphs, temperature/humidity probes, and all related historic data.
The event log lists each of the sensor probes being deleted from the system about 7 hours after the upgrade.
Other than the upgrade we’ve made no changes to the system. We’ve since rebooted each device, and even deleted and re-added one to see if the ports will get re-polled, but no luck.
Anyone else experiencing anything similar?
As always, any help is most appreciated J
Kind regards,
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