Geolocation/mapping is a complete shitfest. Every provider wants you to pay them $$$$ to turn an address into coordinates, so they frequently break/block you if you don’t pay them.


Make sure the address on the device is in a format the geolocation provider can actually resolve. Beyond this just hardcoding stuff is an ok solution if you have limited locations.




From: observium <> On Behalf Of Njoroge, Joyce (Stadt Ulm) via observium
Sent: 03 December 2021 11:14
Cc: Njoroge, Joyce (Stadt Ulm) <>
Subject: [Observium] S2S Monitoring and Bandwidth Check



I have two questions that I would like to know whether it is possible to do using Observium:

  1. Is there a way to monitor the data that flows between site-to-site locations?
  2. How can I check the bandwidth of a device that is already in observium?

Lastly, I understand that mapping is from a 3rd party provider (OpenStreetMap), but would anyone have had a problem, whereby just from nowhere locations, that were properly mapped, are not correctly mapped anymore? A bunch of locations are showing in the middle of the sea. Thanks.


