I currently use a cisco 7200 (lns)

Since the userid (with realm) is static can I create charts based on a particular userid?

2014-05-30 12:53 GMT+02:00 Simon Smith <simonsmith5521@gmail.com>:

What equipment are you using?

Because all I did was comment out the pppoe line in the defaults.inc.php file

And the discovery found all our pppoe connects on our ADSL routers and our mikrotik equipment???



Sent from my iPad

> On 30 May 2014, at 11:26 am, Paolo Giustiniani <clubbu@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to monitor several interfaces pppoe connections.
> I enabled the feature and vpdn pppoe
> # $ config ['bad_if'] [] = "pppoe-";
> $ config ['poller_modules'] ['cisco-vpdn'] = 1;
> The process of self discovery did not detect it.
> The command show vpdn order properly connections.
> How can I do?
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Paolo Giustiniani
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