Hi Mike,
This is a very huge xWDM and SDH Shelf witch can have multiple other Shelf to geather as one device like stacking. There are as well multiple Card like controllers, Ethernet, STM-x, E1, FC and mutch more.
In our setup life network we have from 1 x PSS32 till 6 x PPS32 as one Device and as well 1 x PSS4 with Ethernet 100Mbit, 1Gbit, 10Gbit, 100Gbit, STM-1, STM-4 and FibreChannel 800 each device has at least 1 Controller depending on the Modell. As well each device has at least n x FSC4 or FSC8 filter card for CWDM or n x 6 Channel DWDM Filter Card or a n x SFC44 (44 Channel DWDM Filter) and n x Amplifier including pre Amplifier with dispersion control.
That’s probably the reason why this huge junk of data is coming.
For me/us it‘s very important to get all controller datas (CPU, Memory, I/O, Disk,……) and as well from each card/port all the preformance data including the ddm from the sfp.
I know Nokia can do this with the mib files witch i send you, but i want to use Observium as tool and not for each vendor/system a own tool/system.
Hope this is possible to integrate this, to show this to our management, after this we will buy a Enterprise License to run our environment on a multiple Servers implementation company wide.
What is the easy we to get for our labor the r12599 to update our CE Version.
Best regards
Am 28.02.2023 um 15:24 schrieb Mike Stupalov <mike@observium.org>:
Improved detect in r12559 (rolling updates).
devices (os) have huuuuuuge useless snmp output.
not have useful data, except IP address.
Alisha Manuela
Stutz via observium wrote on 24.02.2023 16:31:Hello
When I do a snmpwalk in the CLI with the following parameters I see
everything as it should be.
./snmpwalk -v3 -a SHA -A SHAPASS -x AES-256-C -X AES256PASS -l
However, Observium only ever sees the following when doing a manual
discovery in the CLI, and doesn't take everything into account because I
can't specify the mibs and the corresponding mib file.
./discovery.php -h 137 -dd
##### Starting discovery run at 2023-02-24 13:04:57 #####
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 AND `device_id` =
AND `status` = '1' AND `poller_id` = '0' ORDER BY
`last_discovered_timetaken` ASC]
SQL RUNTIME[0.00030303s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l 'authPriv' -n '' -x 'AES-256-C' -X
SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp
'udp':'FQDN':'161' . .]
CMD RUNTIME[0.0559s]
. = .
. = 7:2:50:08.76
So I added the following to the observium config file
$os = "nokia-xwdm";
$config['os'][$os]['text'] = "Nokia xWDM";
$config['os'][$os]['type'] = "optical";
$config['os'][$os]['vendor'] = "Nokia";
$config['os'][$os]['icon'] = "optical";
$config['os'][$os]['sysObjectID'][] =
$config['os'][$os]['sysDescr'][] = "/^Nokia 1830 PSS/";
$config['os'][$os]['mibs'][] = "TROPIC-SYSTEM-MIB";
In addition, I have created the following two files, as I understood
in the instructions of Observium.
$os = "nokia-xwdm";
$config['os'][$os]['mibs'][] = "TROPIC-SYSTEM-MIB";
$config['mibs'][$mib]['enable'] = 1;
$config['mibs'][$mib]['mib_dir'] = 'nokia';
$config['mibs'][$mib]['descr'] = 'The system MIB for Nokia network
Unfortunately this is not successful and I am going in circles, can
someone please give me an example how I can do this correctly so that
Observium either always considers all MIB files cleanly, or I explicitly
respectively from the beginning cleanly correctly discovered without me
having to make this assignment for the OS in the Observium configuration
Best regards
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