For what its worth I have written a small php script to provide a 7 day rolling backup of my observium server to an external server and to send a confirmation email when backup is complete:

#!/usr/bin/env php


// Script to backup Observium data created by Terry Stone on 3rd. May 2021

include "config.php";

// Collect database credentials
$sql_username = $config['db_user'];
$sql_userpass = $config['db_pass'];

// FTP server credentials
$ftp_server = '[ftp server name]';
$ftp_username = '[ftp server username]';
$ftp_userpass = '[ftp server password]';

// Email credentials
$mail_to = $config['email']['default'];
$mail_header =  'From: '.$config['email']['from'] . "\r\n" .
                           'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
$mail_subject = "Observium Server Backup";
$mail_message = "Observium server backups sent to ".$ftp_server." on ".date("l jS F Y").":\n\n";

// Files to backup
$file[0]=  "observium-rrd.tar.gz";
$file[1]=  "observium-dump.sql";
$file[2]=  "config.php";

// Prefix filename to be sent to FTP server with day of the week
while ($counter < count($file))

// Assemble observium backup fils
exec('tar zcvf backup/'.$file[0].' rrd');
exec('/usr/bin/mysqldump -u observium --user='.$sql_username.' --password='.$sql_userpass.' --databases observium --add-drop-table --extended-insert > backup/'.$file[1]);
exec('cp config.php backup/'.$file[2]);

// Connect and login to FTP server
$ftp_conn = ftp_connect($ftp_server) or die("Could not connect to $ftp_server");
$login = ftp_login($ftp_conn, $ftp_username, $ftp_userpass);

// Change to passive mode

// Upload files to FTP server
while ($counter < count($file))
    if (ftp_put($ftp_conn, $backupfile[$counter], "backup/".$file[$counter],FTP_BINARY))
    exec('cp backup/'.$file[$counter].' backup/'.$backupfile[$counter]);
    $status = date("H:i:s")." Successfully backed up ".$file[$counter]." to ".$backupfile[$counter]."\n";
    $status = date("H:i:s")." Error backing up ".$file[$counter]." to ".$backupfile[$counter]."\n";
$mail_message = $mail_message.$status;
// Close FTP connection

// Add final line to message body
$mail_message=$mail_message."\nPlease do not reply to this message, mail account is send only.\n";

// Send Completion message


It is set to run nightly with this Cron Job: 

# Run nightly backup and send files to offshore FTP server
0 02 * * * root cd /opt/observium && php observiumbackup.php

The backups are also held on the Observium Server in /opt/observium/backups. You need to make sure the backup files have the correct permissions.

Hope this will help someone. An observium server that has run for years holds a very large amount of valuable historical data and servers can fail so its good to have that data in a safe place!

Terry Stone.