Hi Mike,


Thanks for that! Good news - It’s now showing temperature correctly, bad news – it has dropped the RH from 60% to 6% which is now incorrect. I will feed the lack of scaling information back to Riello and see if they can sort it (we are on a roll with them at the moment).


FYI to help clarify the statistics displayed: The ‘Battery’ temperature which the UPS outputs is actually always the Chassis itself. The Riello units never give out their battery temperature over SNMP, it’s always the unit’s supply air for itself (even when you fit an additional battery charge circuit temperature sensor to it, like we have, it still gives you chassis air temperature over SNMP and not the batteries).


Also, the NetMan sensors we have fitted are just ‘loose’ so can be placed anywhere, in our case they are next to batteries but for other people this may vary, so I wouldn’t call them anything specific like Chassis or Battery. You may be better off labelling the external sensors as something generic (like External Temp 1, 2 etc.) perhaps?



Just my 2p worth J




Robert Williams
Custodian Data Centre
Email: Robert@CustodianDC.com

From: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] On Behalf Of Mike Stupalov
Sent: 03 July 2015 12:54
To: Observium Network Observation System
Subject: Re: [Observium] Scaling adjustment for UPS sensors


Ok, I looked the output and made fixes in r6554.

The problem on your device is that it not report sensor scales by ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB, which should not be.

Try latest revision, of course after 'svn up' run rediscover:

./discovery.php -h <your_device>

(also added some new sensors by UPS-MIB)


On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 10:35 AM, Robert Williams <Robert@custodiandc.com> wrote:



A quick update on this, I’ve sent the debug to Mike, to save spamming the list (let me know if anyone else wants it!). The RH is correct as the sensor is in the battery room (not on the data floor) and rather ironically I took the screenshot during the hottest day of the year where we are and that room is chilled to 20C so RH goes up :)




Robert Williams
Custodian Data Centre
Email: Robert@CustodianDC.com

From: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] On Behalf Of Tom Laermans
Sent: 02 July 2015 21:16
To: Observium Network Observation System
Subject: Re: [Observium] Scaling adjustment for UPS sensors


7.3% rH is way too low though.

Riello is notoriously shit in their SNMP implementation though (I have them too).

I see it's a Netman 204, that should be quite decent, but afaik those sensors are using regular IEEE UPS-MIB.

I don't have any attached to mine (not sure if I even can) - if anyone wants to send me a sensor I'll gladly attach it to one of my Riello UPSes ;>


On 07/02/2015 05:28 PM, Mike Stupalov wrote:

On 02.07.15 18:25, Phillip Baker wrote:

Are you sure your relative humidity is fine? 73% is.. well, pretty bloody wet. Is the humidity probe in a shower room? Anything over 60% should definitely be considered abnormal in most datacentre environments.

Here same problem with scalling.. I think this is 7.3%

.. still waiting for debug output


From: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] On Behalf Of Robert Williams
Sent: 02 July 2015 14:26
To: Observium Network Observation System (observium@observium.org)
Subject: [Observium] Scaling adjustment for UPS sensors




Is there a way to adjust the re-scaling for auxiliary UPS sensors? We’ve just been given some external sensors for our Riello units to play with; and whilst Observium can indeed see them, their temperatures are out by one decimal place:



(it should be 19.5C, obviously)


The RH is fine interestingly, and this is only affecting the ‘external’ sensors in the NetMan card, not the built-in sensor. Interestingly, Riello also give out the ‘chassis’ temperature under the ‘battery’ temperature OID, which is why it shows our batteries as 27 degrees, they are not - and this is not Observium’s fault J


Anyway, is there a manual ‘tweak’ to correct the scaling for the temperature?



Robert Williams
Custodian Data Centre
Email: Robert@CustodianDC.com

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Mike Stupalov

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Mike Stupalov