Hi all,
    I would like to ask for a hint or information I'm missing in oder to successfully monitor Cisco ASR9K (ASR9901-RP) running Cisco IOS XR Software, Version 7.0.1.

I'm getting "Generic device" not Cisco device and for unknown reason I'm getting this LOG messages

SNMP works just fine, as other graphs or values are being collected successfully. There is no error in observium.log and polling graphs looks good too.

On top of that, every full discovery cycle (every 12 hours) we are getting full set of alarms from this device.

Any idea please? Thank you Marian

Marian Rychtecký
Phone +420 724 397 441
NIX.CZ z.s.p.o.
Americká 23, Praha 2
130 52 Czech Republic