I have been playing with ptpd on my network to see how it behaves compared to ntp.
I really like the observium monitoring of ntp. I use Observium CE (6th October 2016) on FreeBSD 10.3 & 11.0
So, I had a crack at implementing ptpd as an application for unix-agent guided by http://observium.org/docs/developing/add_app/ which says:
“• RRD formats are defiend in includes/definitions/rrdtypes.inc.php”
But this doesn’t exist in my installation and I am suspecting config['rrd_types'] is defined in includes/definitions/definitions.dat which I don’t know how to read.
So when polling the servers with ptpd, I get this error: “Cannot create RRD for type ptpd-slave - not found in definitions!”
Is there anyway I can get past this? Or is this something I shouldn’t be doing?
I went back through old observium mailing list mail and found:
Subject: Re: [Observium] custom unix-agent application
On 24 Nov 2016, at 7:20 pm, Adam Armstrong adama@memetic.org wrote:
Hi Yogi,
I've rewriting this application code and it'll be committed to the repository sometime soon. You'd missing out a few definition entries and had copied an old method of building applications.
The application was being deleted because you weren't using update_application().
Once it's run for a while here and I can see that it all works, I'll commit it to the SVN, and you'll be able to update and use it then.
Thanks, adam.
Sent from Mailbird On 22/11/2016 08:51:06, Yogi Sofiharja yogi_sofiharja@biznetgio.com wrote:
Dear Community,
I am creating application to monitor disk response time at VM level using ioping.
But every time i run the poller with debugger, i’ve got no error but my application always been deleted by the system because its lastpolled is 0. i’ve try to follow the documentation, but its seems like i can’t get solution.
Do you guys have any solution for this or you have the same problem?
I’m worried this means I will not be able to make it work in Observium CE.
HNY & Cheers, Adrian