Thank you for the ping tuning. I've added those to the config.  However, as soon as turn on the external poller I get snmp down alerts from the poller that lives on the all in one server solution. I'm assuming the alerts emails get sent local to the poller?  Not sure really where to go from here if I want to use observium for 800 more devices.  I plan to break out the database, which shouldn't be difficult and should give some relief the server for polling, but if I can't get the external poller working it may be a show stopper for me. If it is possible I'm really wanting to know more about more about the multiple pollers.  Any suggestions and time is appreciated.


On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 6:47 PM, Mike Stupalov <> wrote:
in includes/

$config['fping']          = "/usr/bin/fping";
$config['fping6']         = "/usr/bin/fping6";

// PING Settings - Retries/Timeouts
#$config['ping']['retries'] = 3;    // How many times to retry ping (1 - 10)
#$config['ping']['timeout'] = 500;  // Timeout in milliseconds (50 - 2000)

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 1:50 AM, Chip Pleasants <> wrote:
When there are multiple pollers via NFS how do they pick the devices to poll? Basically how to they not step all over each other polling the same nodes?  I'm seeing snmp and ping alerts like 15 or so every hour come in that didn't come in when it was a single server solution. It does seem to be the same 20 or so devices. These particular devices do typically take around 60 sec to poll.  Looking at devices that generated alerts their cpu, snmp response time, and ping time was all over the place. Meaning cpu doubled (10% to 20%), ping times went up to 200ms from 10ms, and snmp response time average when from 50ms to 556ms. I'm wondering if I was polling these devices multiple times within 5 minutes? Would this be related to NFS IO issues? I reverted back to a single solution for now.  Any assistance is greatly appreciated. 


Config Sniplet

$config['alerts']['email']['enable']       = TRUE;
$config['poller-wrapper']['alerter']       = TRUE;
$config['snmp']['timeout'] = 6;           
$config['snmp']['retries'] = 3;           
$config['snmp']['max-rep'] = 10;     
$config['fping']          = "/usr/sbin/fping -t2000";

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Mike Stupalov

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