I used that ova myself when I first started with Observium... and I still use it but I upgraded to the Pro version and updated the versions to its current release as I went over the last couple years.

should be fine upgrading to the latest version of Observium, but of course backup prior just in case.

On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 8:50 AM, Daniel Martín Mayo <dmartin@servinform.es> wrote:

Hi again….


Okok….I’ll try a newer version, if my boss allows me to do that ;)




De: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] En nombre de Tom Laermans
Enviado el: lunes, 14 de marzo de 2016 12:23

Para: Observium Network Observation System
Asunto: Re: [Observium] Newbie with a question


Damn, Daniel! ;-)

That's a really, really, really old version of Observium...


On 03/14/2016 11:17 AM, Daniel Martín Mayo wrote:

Hi Tom,


I downloaded the VM from here:






De: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] En nombre de Tom Laermans
Enviado el: lunes, 14 de marzo de 2016 9:55
Para: Observium Network Observation System
Asunto: Re: [Observium] Newbie with a question


Hi Daniel,

Where did you get this "ova" ? As far as I know we don't supply this?


On 14/03/2016 08:42, Daniel Martín Mayo wrote:

Hello everybody,


I’m new to this mailing list and also to Observium. I’m just another SysAdmin trying to monitor as many devices as we can in our company (Nagios is still doing his job fine), so we started trying Observium just to see if it was worthy or not.


I got installed the Community version using the OVA, so first question is:


If I switch to the Pro version, do I need to rebuild all the work I’ve done?



Greetings from Spain,


Dani Martin



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