I'm getting some strange looking graphs on some
ports on my routers, where the graph is basically just a bunch
of spikes. Set at 1 second intervals, it will register traffic
for one tick, then nothing for anywhere from 4-10 ticks, then
register traffic again, and so on. This is happening on Cisco
2811's, 2911's, and a 7206VXR, and it happens on the
FastEthernet, GigEthernet, and SVI ports on them. If I set the
interval to 5 seconds or higher, it looks normal again. Now,
these same routers with this problem have no issue doing a 1
second interval on their Serial ports or sub-interfaces. We have
several 2960 switches that seem to work just fine.
I've attached an example graph to show you what I see. I
happen to know that this port had at least a consistent 1MB
connection throughout the time period of the graph.