It´s  work for me.....How I disable this feature. Because in my home, all services are down.

Question, this feature is cool only for me or nobody think this??


2014-05-04 21:01 GMT-03:00 Adam Armstrong <>:
On 2014-05-04 18:16, Joarli Leandro [INITNET] wrote:
Hi, I updated my observium subs today and now I have two new troubles.
First - In some devices, the temp1 show 39000º testing with
observium agent, he show me 39º C. I run ./discovery.php -h none after
the update.

Should be fixed now. The LM-SENSORS-MIB discovery module had an invalid $scale.

./discovery.php -h all -m sensors

Second - All my servers show show me the services are I
configure this feature?? All servers i have, the ssh and http services
are running.

The services stuff is long, long, long since deprecated. It's not supposed to work!


Joarli Leandro
Tel: (11) 4478-6171