Tom Laermans <tom.laermans@...> writes:
On 4/04/2012 18:35, Andrew Beals wrote:
Rather than modifying the poller script, simply commenting out the
"mibs :" line
at the bottom of /etc/snmp/snmp.conf on your Observium server box is
to get the polling to work correctly. Ubuntu put that line in citing
issues" with the MIBs.
Sounds like someone failed to follow the installation instructions... although looking at it, this is only documented under the "Debian" header, even though Ubuntu has taken over this nonsense in later versions
"Real hackers don't RTFM."
It's good enough software that it runs out of the box.
The only place Debian is mentioned on this page http://www.observium.org/wiki/Application/Apache is with regards to adding in the ExtendedStatus line in the apache config. The very strange part being that the mysql monitoring works without fixing up snmp.conf but the apache polling does not. (There's also the minor issue of the python version of the apache status parser working better than the perl one (and with fewer system configuration requirements, too), but that's an entirely different issue.)
After years of being peeved whenever I needed to do something to my nagios install at my old job and constant cussing at GWOS at the current gig, Observium is truly a breath of fresh air.