Adam Armstrong CEO & Lead Architect Observium Limited On 2017-10-18 20:53:58, Philippe Hurtubise philippe.hurtubise@autolog.com wrote: Hi, I am trying to configure syslog integration to send syslog from Windows server to Obeservium. I followed instruction on this page http://docs.observium.org/syslog/ [http://docs.observium.org/syslog/]. But at the bottom of the page I am not sure what to do. Syslog-ng Make sure these options are set : options { chain_hostnames(0); keep_hostname(1); use_dns(no); }; Use this as destination in syslog-ng.conf, change syslog.php path to match yours source s_net { udp(); }; destination d_observium { program("/opt/observium/syslog.php" template ("$HOST||$FACILITY||$LEVEL_NUM||$LEVEL||$TAG||$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY $HOUR:$MIN:$SEC||$MSG||$PROGRAM\n") template-escape(yes)); }; log { source(s_net); destination(d_observium); }; Where do I add options mentioned, where is the syslog-ng.conf file and where do I add sources section. Thanks