That graph seems to be showing a gauge of the number of clients connected at that moment.
It's not possible to count client totals for a period using a gauge, that'd require a counter type data source from the device.
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On 15 September 2015 09:38:53 Tim Vaughan tim@timvaughan.co.uk wrote:
I'm using Observium to track wireless clients on our Cisco wireless controller. It's very useful. However, when I look at the longer-term graphs (monthly, yearly etc.) it's less useful because I'm not sure what it's showing. Is it clients per day, per week or what? For an example, see: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3183918/apelmRwNW7.png.
Is there a way to get the legend show the rate rather than just a plain number?
-- Mobile: 07868246225 Skype: tvaughan Twitter: twitter.com/tvaughan
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