Thanks Adam,

...I hadn't thought about the database.

The error log is empty, apart from pen-test attack entries early last week and I'd already tried the reset URL with no success.

Occasionally [and unpredicatbly] I can display the default dashboard but if I try to edit the dashboard, the screen reloads to a blank white space. Oher colleagues are having the same problems as me... (many browsers used unsuccessfully).

Any clues on tests to try or diagnostics to provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again for your help.


On Mon, 19 Nov 2018 at 15:39, Adam Armstrong <> wrote:
I wouldn't recommend downgrading as there have been database changes recently and I'm not sure how things will behave.


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On 19 Nov 2018, at 09:43, "Storer, Darren via observium" <> wrote:
Hi Adam,

Thanks for responding so quickly.

Sadly I'm a victim of not following the rules, as I updated the main production server and didn't test first on one of the dev systems. Although I didn't state it, I'm intending to continue the investigation on a dev server, once I can restore service to the production box - yes it's my fault for being hasty on a Sunday night.

As it happens, the dashboard briefly reappeared this morning (one time only again), so I captured the HTML source that was generated and I also have a copy of the page source that generates a blank.

Sadly I'm still stuck with a production server that's generating blank pages - any advice on a safe regression path would be very much appreciated, as we're in the middle of an unrelated P1; it's been a bad start to the working week :-(

Thanks again


On Sun, 18 Nov 2018 at 23:26, Adam Armstrong <> wrote:

Going to /dashboard/reset_dashboard=yes/ will reset the database entries.

If that doesn't fix it, you should look at the error_log, since anything that causes the page not to be correctly generated should be evident in there.

If your reaction to a bug that no one else has encountered is to try to revert without collecting any useful information, we can not try to fix it until someone else encounters it.


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On 18 Nov 2018, at 22:59, "Storer, Darren via observium" <> wrote:

Is anyone else seeing a completely blank page displayed, instead of the new dashboard?

After updating to the latest code tonight, a message was displayed about the new dashboard and editing to remove a widget but after the first time, now all we see is a blank page. Direct access to server and devices pages continue to work perfectly. Viewing page source shows plenty of HTML and the same effect is observed in Chrome and Firefox browsers.

What's the safest way to back out this version of the build, so we can bring the old interface online for Monday morning?

Many thanks


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