Hi, I just updated for the first time in a couple of weeks, and got an error applying the updates.
Here is the console message and update-errors log: /opt/observium# php ./discovery.php -h none
___ _ _ / _ \ | |__ ___ ___ _ __ __ __(_) _ _ _ __ ___ | | | || '_ \ / __| / _ | '__|\ \ / /| || | | || '_ ` _ \ | |_| || |_) |__ | __/| | \ V / | || |_| || | | | | | ___/ |_.__/ |___/ ___||_| _/ |_| __,_||_| |_| |_| Observium Professional http://www.observium.org
-- Updating database/file schema 219 -> 220 ... (db) done. 220 -> 221 ... (db) done. 221 -> 222 ... (db) done. 222 -> 223 ... (db) done. 223 -> 224 ... (db) done (2 errors). 224 -> 225 ... (db) done. 225 -> 226 ... (db) done. 226 -> 227 ... (db) done. 227 -> 228 ... (db) done. -- Done.
[2015/08/21 09:48:29 -0700] discovery.php(12283): ====== Schema update 223 -> 224 ============== [2015/08/21 09:48:29 -0700] discovery.php(12283): Query: ALTER TABLE `alert_table-state` ADD `last_ok` INT NULL AFTER `last_recovered` ; [2015/08/21 09:48:29 -0700] discovery.php(12283): Error: (1114) The table '#sql-42b4_3c28dc' is full [2015/08/21 09:48:29 -0700] discovery.php(12283): Query: ALTER TABLE `alert_table-state` CHANGE `last_checked` `last_checked` INT( 10 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL , CHANGE `last_changed` `last_changed` INT( 10 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL , CHANGE `last_recovered` `last_recovered` INT( 10 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL , CHANGE `last_ok` `last_ok` INT( 10 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL , CHANGE `last_failed` `last_failed` INT( 10 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL ; [2015/08/21 09:48:29 -0700] discovery.php(12283): Error: (1054) Unknown column 'last_ok' in 'alert_table-state'
Thank You
Sholom Shapiro | Senior Systems Engineer
Viking Technology Partners
Viking Technology Partners
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Las Vegas, Nevada 89129
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