Hi Henry,

Not at present, but I can perhaps add it.

Let me look :D


On 2018-11-05 08:10:11, Henry Möller via observium <observium@observium.org> wrote:



We trying to get information’s about the Inventory from Observium. Mainly we trying to get the Serial Number and the Model Number from observium. This works well for a single switch. But it is not working if we have a stacked switch. In this case we get only the serial number of the stack-master.

Is there a way to get all the information’s that are listed on the inventory via API?


Best Regards

Henry Möller

Phone:    +49 30 520 041 698
Fax:         +49 30 520 041 699
Mail:       Henry.Moeller@pinguin.ag

Phone:  +49.30.30 36 63 366
Fax:       +49.30.30 36 63 367
E-Mail: info@pinguin.ag


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