The debug output definitely shows an entry which would be picked up when building the device navbar :
Database: Array ( [0] => Array ( [device_id] => 13 [ospf_instance_id] => 0 [ospfRouterId] => [ospfAdminStat] => enabled
$device_routing_count['ospf'] = dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ospf_instances` WHERE `ospfAdminStat` = 'enabled' AND `device_id` = ?", array($device['device_id']));
So I've no idea why it's not being shown.
adam. On 17/12/2015 21:11:58, Federico Olivieri wrote: The problem is that the device is UP but observium mark it as down when I run the command that you have given me. If I run it a second time, the debug gives the output. Anyway, here we are
root@banana:/opt/observium# ./poller.php -d -m ospf -h cisco DEBUG! Observium CE Poller
CMD[/opt/observium/scripts/distro] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0597s] STDOUT[ Linux|3.2.0-4-amd64|amd64|Debian|7.9 ]
CMD[/usr/bin/env python --version 2>&1] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0048s] STDOUT[ Python 2.7.3 ]
SQL[SELECT version()] RUNTIME[0.00039983s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget --version 2>&1] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0036s] STDOUT[ NET-SNMP version: 5.4.3 ]
CMD[/usr/bin/rrdtool --version |head -n1] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0145s] STDOUT[ RRDtool 1.4.7 Copyright 1997-2012 by Tobias Oetiker < []> ] Software versions: OS: Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 [amd64] (Debian 7.9) PHP: 5.4.45-0+deb7u2 Python: Python 2.7.3 MySQL: 5.5.46-0+deb7u1 SNMP: NET-SNMP 5.4.3 RRDtool: 1.4.7
Starting polling run:
SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 AND `hostname` LIKE 'cisco' ORDER BY `device_id` ASC] RUNTIME[0.00168800s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '13'] RUNTIME[0.00124693s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices_attribs` WHERE `device_id` = '13'] RUNTIME[0.00027514s] cisco 13 ios (cisco)
CMD[/usr/bin/fping -t 500 -c 1 -q 2>&1] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0079s] STDOUT[ : xmt/rcv/%loss = 1/1/0%, min/avg/max = 1.30/1.30/1.30 ]
SQL[SELECT `version` FROM `dbSchema`;] RUNTIME[0.00029898s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUst -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'cisco':'161' sysObjectID.0 sysUpTime.0] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0216s] STDOUT[ sysObjectID.0 = enterprises.9.1.1274 sysUpTime.0 = 12730812 ] SNMP_STATUS[TRUE] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/cisco/status.rrd already exists - no need to create. RRD[cmd[update /opt/observium/rrd/cisco/status.rrd N:1] stdout[OK u:0.00 s:0.01 r:0.04] stderr[]] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/cisco/ping.rrd already exists - no need to create. RRD[cmd[update /opt/observium/rrd/cisco/ping.rrd N:1.30] stdout[OK u:0.00 s:0.01 r:0.04] stderr[]] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/cisco/ping_snmp.rrd already exists - no need to create. RRD[cmd[update /opt/observium/rrd/cisco/ping_snmp.rrd N:29.38] stdout[OK u:0.00 s:0.01 r:0.05] stderr[]]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = '13'] RUNTIME[0.00036597s]
including: includes/polling/
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'cisco':'161' sysUpTime.0 sysLocation.0 sysContact.0 sysName.0] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0279s] STDOUT[ sysUpTime.0 = 1:11:21:48.17 sysLocation.0 = London,England,United Kingdom sysContact.0 = [] sysName.0 = [] ] SNMP_STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqv -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'cisco':'161' sysDescr.0] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0251s] STDOUT[ Cisco IOS Software, C880 Software (C880DATA-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.4(3)M4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Technical Support: [] Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Sun 27-Sep-15 08:56 by prod_rel_team ] SNMP_STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Oqvn -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'cisco':'161' sysObjectID.0] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0254s] STDOUT[ . ] SNMP_STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -Ovqn -m SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'cisco':'161' snmpEngineID.0] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0224s] STDOUT[ "80 00 00 09 03 00 A4 93 4C 73 0A 2E " ] SNMP_STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OUqv -m SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'cisco':'161' snmpEngineTime.0] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0219s] STDOUT[ 127276 ] SNMP_STATUS[TRUE] Using SNMP Agent sysUpTime (127308 sec. => 1 day, 11h 21m 48s) RRD /opt/observium/rrd/cisco/uptime.rrd already exists - no need to create. RRD[cmd[update /opt/observium/rrd/cisco/uptime.rrd N:127308] stdout[OK u:0.00 s:0.01 r:0.21] stderr[]] Uptime: 1 day, 11h 21m 48s Array ( [sysUpTime] => 127308 [use] => sysUpTime [snmpEngineTime] => 127276 [uptime] => 127308 [formatted] => 1 day, 11h 21m 48s [message] => Using SNMP Agent sysUpTime [previous] => 127296 [diff] => -12 [rebooted] => 0 )
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices_locations` WHERE `device_id` = '13'] RUNTIME[0.00041199s] Module [ system ] time: 0.1608s
including: includes/polling/
SQL[SELECT * FROM `entPhysical` WHERE `device_id` = '13' AND `entPhysicalContainedIn` = '0'] RUNTIME[0.00030303s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices_attribs` WHERE `device_id` = '13'] RUNTIME[0.00009608s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUst -m SNMPv2-MIB:CISCO-CONFIG-MAN-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp:/opt/observium/mibs/cisco 'udp':'cisco':'161' sysUpTime.0 ccmHistoryRunningLastChanged.0 ccmHistoryRunningLastSaved.0 ccmHistoryStartupLastChanged.0] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0444s] STDOUT[ sysUpTime.0 = 12730835 ccmHistoryRunningLastChanged.0 = 10719628 ccmHistoryRunningLastSaved.0 = 11174925 ccmHistoryStartupLastChanged.0 = 11174925 ] SNMP_STATUS[TRUE] Cisco configuration ages
sysUptime : 2015-12-16 09:46:23 | 1 day, 11h 21m 48s Running : 2015-12-17 15:32:59 | 5h 35m 12s Saved : 2015-12-17 16:48:52 | 4h 19m 19s Startup : 2015-12-17 16:48:52 | 4h 19m 19s
Hardware: CISCO887VA-K9 Version: 15.4(3)M4 Features: UNIVERSALK9 Serial: FGL1621234J Asset: Module [ os ] time: 0.0643s
including: includes/polling/ OSPF: Processes: SQL[SELECT * FROM `ospf_instances` WHERE `device_id` = '13'] RUNTIME[0.00058198s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m OSPF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'cisco':'161' ospfGeneralGroup] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0387s] STDOUT[ ospfRouterId.0 = ospfAdminStat.0 = enabled ospfVersionNumber.0 = version2 ospfAreaBdrRtrStatus.0 = false ospfASBdrRtrStatus.0 = true ospfExternLsaCount.0 = 1 ospfExternLsaCksumSum.0 = 43614 ospfTOSSupport.0 = false ospfOriginateNewLsas.0 = 4 ospfRxNewLsas.0 = 14 ospfExtLsdbLimit.0 = -1 ospfMulticastExtensions.0 = 0 ospfExitOverflowInterval.0 = 0 ospfDemandExtensions.0 = true ] SNMP_STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m OSPF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'cisco':'161' ospfAreaEntry] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0418s] STDOUT[ ospfAreaId. = ospfAuthType. = none ospfImportAsExtern. = importExternal ospfSpfRuns. = 13 ospfAreaBdrRtrCount. = 0 ospfAsBdrRtrCount. = 1 ospfAreaLsaCount. = 3 ospfAreaLsaCksumSum. = 59675 ospfAreaSummary. = sendAreaSummary ospfAreaStatus. = active ] SNMP_STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m OSPF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'cisco':'161' ospfIfEntry] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0409s] STDOUT[ ospfIfIpAddress. = ospfAddressLessIf. = 0 ospfIfAreaId. = ospfIfType. = broadcast ospfIfAdminStat. = enabled ospfIfRtrPriority. = 1 ospfIfTransitDelay. = 1 ospfIfRetransInterval. = 5 ospfIfHelloInterval. = 10 ospfIfRtrDeadInterval. = 40 ospfIfPollInterval. = 120 ospfIfState. = backupDesignatedRouter ospfIfDesignatedRouter. = ospfIfBackupDesignatedRouter. = ospfIfEvents. = 2 ospfIfAuthKey. = "" ospfIfStatus. = active ospfIfMulticastForwarding. = blocked ospfIfDemand. = false ospfIfAuthType. = none ] SNMP_STATUS[TRUE]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUs -m OSPF-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'cisco':'161' ospfNbrEntry] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0416s] STDOUT[ ospfNbrIpAddr. = ospfNbrAddressLessIndex. = 0 ospfNbrRtrId. = ospfNbrOptions. = 2 ospfNbrPriority. = 1 ospfNbrState. = full ospfNbrEvents. = 6 ospfNbrLsRetransQLen. = 0 ospfNbmaNbrStatus. = active ospfNbmaNbrPermanence. = dynamic ospfNbrHelloSuppressed. = false ] SNMP_STATUS[TRUE]
Polled: Array ( [0] => Array ( [ospfRouterId] => [ospfAdminStat] => enabled [ospfVersionNumber] => version2 [ospfAreaBdrRtrStatus] => false [ospfASBdrRtrStatus] => true [ospfExternLsaCount] => 1 [ospfExternLsaCksumSum] => 43614 [ospfTOSSupport] => false [ospfOriginateNewLsas] => 4 [ospfRxNewLsas] => 14 [ospfExtLsdbLimit] => -1 [ospfMulticastExtensions] => 0 [ospfExitOverflowInterval] => 0 [ospfDemandExtensions] => true )
) Database: Array ( [0] => Array ( [device_id] => 13 [ospf_instance_id] => 0 [ospfRouterId] => [ospfAdminStat] => enabled [ospfVersionNumber] => version2 [ospfAreaBdrRtrStatus] => false [ospfASBdrRtrStatus] => true [ospfExternLsaCount] => 1 [ospfExternLsaCksumSum] => 43614 [ospfTOSSupport] => false [ospfOriginateNewLsas] => 4 [ospfRxNewLsas] => 14 [ospfExtLsdbLimit] => -1 [ospfMulticastExtensions] => 0 [ospfExitOverflowInterval] => 0 [ospfDemandExtensions] => true )
. Areas: SQL[SELECT * FROM `ospf_areas` WHERE `device_id` = '13'] RUNTIME[0.00085807s] poll Polled: Array ( [] => Array ( [ospfAreaId] => [ospfAuthType] => none [ospfImportAsExtern] => importExternal [ospfSpfRuns] => 13 [ospfAreaBdrRtrCount] => 0 [ospfAsBdrRtrCount] => 1 [ospfAreaLsaCount] => 3 [ospfAreaLsaCksumSum] => 59675 [ospfAreaSummary] => sendAreaSummary [ospfAreaStatus] => active )
) Database: Array ( [] => Array ( [device_id] => 13 [ospfAreaId] => [ospfAuthType] => none [ospfImportAsExtern] => importExternal [ospfSpfRuns] => 13 [ospfAreaBdrRtrCount] => 0 [ospfAsBdrRtrCount] => 1 [ospfAreaLsaCount] => 3 [ospfAreaLsaCksumSum] => 59675 [ospfAreaSummary] => sendAreaSummary [ospfAreaStatus] => active )
none=noneimportExternal=importExternal13=130=01=13=359675=59675sendAreaSummary=sendAreaSummaryactive=active. Ports: SQL[SELECT * FROM `ospf_ports` WHERE `device_id` = '13'] RUNTIME[0.00055003s]
Polled: Array ( [] => Array ( [ospfIfIpAddress] => [ospfAddressLessIf] => 0 [ospfIfAreaId] => [ospfIfType] => broadcast [ospfIfAdminStat] => enabled [ospfIfRtrPriority] => 1 [ospfIfTransitDelay] => 1 [ospfIfRetransInterval] => 5 [ospfIfHelloInterval] => 10 [ospfIfRtrDeadInterval] => 40 [ospfIfPollInterval] => 120 [ospfIfState] => backupDesignatedRouter [ospfIfDesignatedRouter] => [ospfIfBackupDesignatedRouter] => [ospfIfEvents] => 2 [ospfIfAuthKey] => [ospfIfStatus] => active [ospfIfMulticastForwarding] => blocked [ospfIfDemand] => false [ospfIfAuthType] => none )
) Database: Array ( [] => Array ( [device_id] => 13 [port_id] => 0 [ospf_port_id] => [ospfIfIpAddress] => [ospfAddressLessIf] => 0 [ospfIfAreaId] => [ospfIfType] => [ospfIfAdminStat] => [ospfIfRtrPriority] => [ospfIfTransitDelay] => [ospfIfRetransInterval] => [ospfIfHelloInterval] => [ospfIfRtrDeadInterval] => [ospfIfPollInterval] => [ospfIfState] => [ospfIfDesignatedRouter] => [ospfIfBackupDesignatedRouter] => [ospfIfEvents] => [ospfIfAuthKey] => [ospfIfStatus] => [ospfIfMulticastForwarding] => [ospfIfDemand] => [ospfIfAuthType] => )
SQL[SELECT A.`port_id` FROM ipv4_addresses AS A, ports AS I WHERE A.ipv4_address = '' AND I.port_id = A.port_id AND I.device_id = '13'] RUNTIME[0.00022006s]
SQL[UPDATE `ospf_ports` set `ospfIfIpAddress` ='',`port_id` ='140',`ospfIfAreaId` ='',`ospfIfType` ='broadcast',`ospfIfAdminStat` ='enabled',`ospfIfRtrPriority` ='1',`ospfIfTransitDelay` ='1',`ospfIfRetransInterval` ='5',`ospfIfHelloInterval` ='10',`ospfIfRtrDeadInterval` ='40',`ospfIfPollInterval` ='120',`ospfIfState` ='backupDesignatedRouter',`ospfIfDesignatedRouter` ='',`ospfIfBackupDesignatedRouter` ='',`ospfIfEvents` ='2',`ospfIfStatus` ='active',`ospfIfMulticastForwarding` ='blocked',`ospfIfDemand` ='false',`ospfIfAuthType` ='none' WHERE `device_id` = '13' AND `ospf_port_id` = ''] RUNTIME[0.00754905s] U Neighbours: SQL[SELECT * FROM `ospf_nbrs` WHERE `device_id` = '13'] RUNTIME[0.00103998s]
Polled: Array ( [] => Array ( [ospfNbrIpAddr] => [ospfNbrAddressLessIndex] => 0 [ospfNbrRtrId] => [ospfNbrOptions] => 2 [ospfNbrPriority] => 1 [ospfNbrState] => full [ospfNbrEvents] => 6 [ospfNbrLsRetransQLen] => 0 [ospfNbmaNbrStatus] => active [ospfNbmaNbrPermanence] => dynamic [ospfNbrHelloSuppressed] => false )
) Database: Array ( [] => Array ( [device_id] => 13 [port_id] => 0 [ospf_nbr_id] => [ospfNbrIpAddr] => [ospfNbrAddressLessIndex] => 0 [ospfNbrRtrId] => [ospfNbrOptions] => 2 [ospfNbrPriority] => 1 [ospfNbrState] => full [ospfNbrEvents] => 6 [ospfNbrLsRetransQLen] => 0 [ospfNbmaNbrStatus] => active [ospfNbmaNbrPermanence] => dynamic [ospfNbrHelloSuppressed] => false )
SQL[SELECT A.`port_id` FROM ipv4_addresses AS A, nbrs AS I WHERE A.ipv4_address = '' AND I.port_id = A.port_id AND I.device_id = '13'] RUNTIME[0.00047898s]| 0|0| 2|2 1|1 full|full 6|6 0|0 active|active dynamic|dynamic false|false
SQL[UPDATE `ospf_nbrs` set `port_id` =NULL WHERE `device_id` = '13' AND `ospf_nbr_id` = ''] RUNTIME[0.00143194s] URRD /opt/observium/rrd/cisco/ospf-statistics.rrd already exists - no need to create. RRD[cmd[update /opt/observium/rrd/cisco/ospf-statistics.rrd N:1:1:1:1] stdout[OK u:0.00 s:0.01 r:0.53] stderr[]]
Module [ ospf ] time: 0.2514s Graphs [checked]: ping, ping_snmp, uptime
Polled in 0.5361 seconds Updating cisco - Array ( [uptime] => 127308 [last_polled] => Array ( [0] => NOW() )
[last_polled_timetaken] => 0.5361 [device_state] => a:1:{s:15:"poller_mod_perf";a:3:{s:6:"system";s:6:"0.1608";s:2:"os";s:6:"0.0643";s:4:"ospf";s:6:"0.2514";}} )
SQL[UPDATE `devices` set `uptime` ='127308',`last_polled` =NOW(),`last_polled_timetaken` ='0.5361',`device_state` ='a:1:{s:15:"poller_mod_perf";a:3:{s:6:"system";s:6:"0.1608";s:2:"os";s:6:"0.0643";s:4:"ospf";s:6:"0.2514";}}' WHERE `device_id` = '13'] RUNTIME[0.00207877s] UPDATED!
SQL[INSERT INTO `perf_times` (`type`,`doing`,`start`,`duration`,`devices`) VALUES ('poll','cisco','1450386492.0854','0.652','1')] RUNTIME[0.00049019s] ./poller.php: cisco - 1 devices polled in 0.652 secs NOTE, $config['snmp']['hide_auth'] sets as TRUE, snmp community and snmp v3 auth hidden from debug output. Memory usage: 4.25MB (peak: 4.25MB) MySQL: Cell[3/0.01s] Row[3/0.01s] Rows[6/0.02s] Column[0/0s] Update[3/0.02s] Insert[1/0s] Delete[0/0s] root@banana:/opt/observium#
2015-12-17 19:27 GMT+00:00 Mike Stupalov < []>:
Here I see that the device is down.
Please use device which UP ;)
On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 5:48 PM, Federico Olivieri < []> wrote:
Hi, Thanks for your reply.
This is the output
root@banana:/opt/observium# ./poller.php -d -m ospf -h cisco DEBUG! Observium CE Poller
CMD[/opt/observium/scripts/distro] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0507s] STDOUT[ Linux|3.2.0-4-amd64|amd64|Debian|7.9 ]
CMD[/usr/bin/env python --version 2>&1] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0035s] STDOUT[ Python 2.7.3 ]
SQL[SELECT version()] RUNTIME[0.00030208s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget --version 2>&1] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0037s] STDOUT[ NET-SNMP version: 5.4.3 ]
CMD[/usr/bin/rrdtool --version |head -n1] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0069s] STDOUT[ RRDtool 1.4.7 Copyright 1997-2012 by Tobias Oetiker < []> ] Software versions: OS: Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 [amd64] (Debian 7.9) PHP: 5.4.45-0+deb7u2 Python: Python 2.7.3 MySQL: 5.5.46-0+deb7u1 SNMP: NET-SNMP 5.4.3 RRDtool: 1.4.7
Starting polling run:
SQL[SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 AND `hostname` LIKE 'cisco' ORDER BY `device_id` ASC] RUNTIME[0.00085092s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = '13'] RUNTIME[0.00065899s]
SQL[SELECT * FROM `devices_attribs` WHERE `device_id` = '13'] RUNTIME[0.00016117s] cisco 13 ios (cisco)
CMD[/usr/bin/fping -t 500 -c 1 -q 2>&1] EXITCODE[0] RUNTIME[0.0043s] STDOUT[ : xmt/rcv/%loss = 1/1/0%, min/avg/max = 1.28/1.28/1.28 ]
SQL[SELECT `version` FROM `dbSchema`;] RUNTIME[0.00016403s]
CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUst -m SNMPv2-MIB -M /opt/observium/mibs/rfc:/opt/observium/mibs/net-snmp 'udp':'cisco':'161' sysObjectID.0 sysUpTime.0] EXITCODE[1] RUNTIME[6.0175s] STDOUT[
] STDERR[ Timeout: No Response from udp:cisco:161. ] SNMP_STATUS[FALSE] SNMP UnreachableRRD /opt/observium/rrd/cisco/status.rrd already exists - no need to create. RRD[cmd[update /opt/observium/rrd/cisco/status.rrd N:0] stdout[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:6.03] stderr[]] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/cisco/ping.rrd already exists - no need to create. RRD[cmd[update /opt/observium/rrd/cisco/ping.rrd N:1.28] stdout[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:6.03] stderr[]] RRD /opt/observium/rrd/cisco/ping_snmp.rrd already exists - no need to create. RRD[cmd[update /opt/observium/rrd/cisco/ping_snmp.rrd N:U] stdout[OK u:0.00 s:0.00 r:6.03] stderr[]]
SQL[INSERT INTO `perf_times` (`type`,`doing`,`start`,`duration`,`devices`) VALUES ('poll','cisco','1450363585.6292','6.121','1')] RUNTIME[0.00030994s] ./poller.php: cisco - 1 devices polled in 6.121 secs NOTE, $config['snmp']['hide_auth'] sets as TRUE, snmp community and snmp v3 auth hidden from debug output. Memory usage: 4MB (peak: 4MB) MySQL: Cell[2/0s] Row[1/0s] Rows[1/0s] Column[0/0s] Update[0/0s] Insert[1/0s] Delete[0/0s]
2015-12-17 14:36 GMT+00:00 Mike Stupalov < []>:
please attach debug output for:
./poller.php -d -m ospf -h <cisco_887_device>
But seems as snmp query not completed in poller.
On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 5:46 PM, Federico Olivieri < []> wrote:
Hi Guys,
Do you have any feedback for this? :)
Thank you very much
2015-12-16 11:18 GMT+00:00 Federico Olivieri < []>:
Hi all, I have just enabled OSPF between a Cisco 887VA running c880data-universalk9-mz.154-3.M4 and a Cisco 3750 c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-55.SE9. I can see the OSPF process on Observium for Cisco 3750 but nothing for Cisco 887
I tried to get some debug on router and that what I got (not sure if can be useful or not)
Dec 16 11:15:09.002: SNMP: Response, reqid 1755104544, errstat 0, erridx 0 ospfGeneralGroup.1.0 = ospfGeneralGroup.2.0 = 1 ospfGeneralGroup.3.0 = 2 ospfGeneralGroup.4.0 = 2 ospfGeneralGroup.5.0 = 1 ospfGeneralGroup.6.0 = 1 ospfGeneralGroup.7.0 = 9505 ospfGeneralGroup.8.0 = 2 ospfGeneralGroup.9.0 = 4 ospfGeneralGroup.10.0 = 3 Dec 16 11:15:09.042: SNMP: Packet sent via UDP to process_mgmt_req_int: UDP packet being de-queued
Anyone has experienced something similar? Any suggestion?
Thank you
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