We see this:

[Tue Sep 10 10:18:31.203180 2024] [php:error] [pid 1249752] [client] PHP Fatal error:  html_callback_build_title(): Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers in /opt/observium/html/includes/functions.inc.php on line 130, referer: https://observium.energotel.sk/alert_checks/
function html_callback_build_title()
    global $config;
    global $vars;
    global $cache_html;
    if (!is_array($cache_html['title'])) {
        // Title not set by any page, fall back to nicecase'd page name:
        if ($vars['page'] && $_SESSION['authenticated']) {
            $cache_html['title'] = [nicecase($vars['page'])];
        } else {
            // Main page or no page specified, leave the title empty
            $cache_html['title'] = [];
    // If a suffix is set, append it to the title
    if ($config['page_title_suffix']) {
        $cache_html['title'][] = $config['page_title_suffix'];
    // If a prefix is set, prepend it to the title
    if ($config['page_title_prefix']) {
        array_unshift($cache_html['title'], $config['page_title_prefix']);
    // Build the title with separators
    return escape_html(implode($config['page_title_separator'], $cache_html['title']));

Od: Adam Armstrong via observium <observium@lists.observium.org>
Odoslané: utorok 10. septembra 2024 11:09
Komu: kalafus--- via observium <observium@lists.observium.org>
Kópia: Adam Armstrong <adama@observium.org>
Predmet: [Observium] Re: Alert Checker association "Storage Description" major problem
UPOZORNENIE: Tento e-mail pochádza mimo spoločnosti Energotel, a.s.. Neklikajte na odkazy ani neotvárajte prílohy, pokiaľ nepoznáte odosielateľa a neviete, že obsah je bezpečný .

Check the apache error_log when loading the page.

It'll probably have an error that helps.


kalafus--- via observium wrote on 2024-09-10 09:38:
> Hello,
> Creating storage alert checker using entity association "Storage Description"
> renders page https://observium.xxx.sk/alert_checks/ totally unavailable (just blank whole page).
> Deleting that alert makes it work again.
> Looking for a solution...
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