The instructions for the housekeeping script mention the cleanup of invalid RRD files and that doing so "requires $config['file'] to be set correctly to the path of the file magic utility." I can't find any reference to $config['file'], magic file utilities, etc. in the default config.php, my current config.php, or anywhere online, mailing list archives, etc. What is this in reference to? It doesn't seem to be set anywhere. Did I miss something?
Consequently, whenever I run `housekeeping.php -r` with that option defaulted to TRUE, the process hangs and doesn't seem to do anything. Setting it to FALSE immediately deletes stale RRD files (by time via $config['housekeeping']['rrd']['age'] = timeInSeconds;) and completes the process. I checked housekeeping.log and there are no entries for 'invalid' (what I assume an invalid RRD file would log based on the rrd.inc.php module) and my log file goes back to 2014, so I know I’m not missing something that has rotated out.
I'm running for reference.