Alright, what version of NX-OS do you run? SNMP is very broken in earlier NX-OS versions. Can you do a ./poller.php -h <your nexus> -m ports -d and put the output in a textfile?
2015-09-04 9:36 GMT+02:00 Sebastian Köhlmeier seti@setadesign.net:
Its a Cisco Nexus 5000. And the device connected to this port is a hp server. but it seems its the hole n5000 scaling wrong or getting wrong values. the graphs are looking ok. but the traffic values seems to high, sometimes.
Am 04.09.2015 um 09:30 schrieb Markus Klock:
What kind of device is this? Seems like the scale might be wrong or something...
Från: Sebastian Köhlmeier seti@setadesign.net Skickat: 2015-09-04 09:25 Till: Observium Network Observation System observium@observium.org Ämne: Re: [Observium] Traffic meanings
OK thx alot. Yes it seems a really busy port, but its just a 1Gbps port :) So i seem the displaying isn't correct in this case, or something else. i'm analysing on this port, cause of some problems with it, maybe the problems reflected into wrong values.
some hints? ideas, someone have seen the same behavior?
Am 04.09.2015 um 09:17 schrieb Markus Klock:
From top to bottom: Current incoming traffic(in to this port) in gigabits per second Current outbound traffic(out from this port) in gigabits per second Current incoming number of packets to this port in Mega(million) packets per second Current outgoing number of packets from this port in Mega(million) packets per second
Seems like a very busy port if the current traffic is almost 600Gbps incoming :)
2015-09-04 9:00 GMT+02:00 Sebastian Köhlmeier < seti@setadesign.net seti@setadesign.net>:
can someone help me out. I wanted to know the meanings of the 4 values in the traffic column.
I seems a little strange to me, and i don't know the exact meaning.
Kind regards Sebastian
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