DSM4.3 en DSM5.1 are working in observium and showing up correctly, and i am almost sure that a few versions before were working ok as well. Not sure all the way back to 3.1 I don't think they would have changed much in their snmp stuff?
2015-08-04 10:26 GMT+02:00 chott@praha1.net chott@praha1.net:
Hello team
we have Synology with DSM 3.1 and Observium recognize as
*Linux backupnas 2.6.15 #1637 Sat May 4 05:59:19 CST 2013 armv5tejl *Is there support for DSM 3.1?
- Tomas *
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*Tomas Chott technický ředitel*
chott@praha1.net Phone:
- +420 245 004 005 <%2B420%20245%20004%20005> *Mobile:* +420 604 930 119
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