./poller.php -d -m os -h <device>Seems as not used DD-WRT in sysDescr anymore.Send debug output for:--On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 4:14 AM, Roland Hill <roland.lists@hillnet.co.nz> wrote:On Sat, 04 Jul 2015 or thereabouts, Adam Armstrong came forth with:
> Hi Roland,
> Do you know the sysDescr for that device?
> It's on the device's overview page, it's above the table of device information. It'll begin with "Linux".
> Thanks,
> adam.
> On 04/07/2015 01:26:36, Roland Hill <roland.lists@hillnet.co.nz> wrote:
> Hi,
> I run Observium on my home network, so appreciate the CE Edition (CE
> I have 2 dd-wrt based switches, and I remember when they were first
> discovered by Observium quite a while back, they displayed a dd-wrt logo
> on the device list.
> This hasn't occurred for a while now, and I just was interested to know if
> it is possible for this to happen?
> Screen shots attached fyi (hopefully they won't get stripped).
> This is a very minor question (hope the "noise is okay"), but if anyone
> has an answer I'd appreciate it.
Hi Adam,
Is this it?
Linux switch2 #22971 Mon Dec 22 02:09:35 CET 2014 mips
Linux switch3 #22979 Mon Dec 22 02:19:58 CET 2014 mips
Many thanks for looking into this.
observium mailing list
Mike Stupalov