This is most certainly a ZTE bug. The device is returning a lot of zeros as data, which isn't helpful.


Sent from Mailbird

On 29/11/2016 10:52:53, Janusz Janik <> wrote:

Good morning,

I have problem with making graphs on ports.
Observium recognize one of device as:

ZXR10 ROS Version V4.6.02A ZXPON C300 Software, Version V2.6.02A.21
Copyright (c) 2000-2006 by ZTE Corporation Compiled Feb 4 2013, 03:49:41

It looks like most of ports do not gathering data:

MAC addres is not showing up and traffic is displayed like 0bps.
But real traffic exists on these ports.

This instance of observium contains more devices. Problems exist on two
devices with 72 ports. The other two devices have 48 and 24 ports, and
generally traffic has draw properly on these devices.
We suspect the key is too big number of ports on single device and
observium doesn't "know" what is going on.

We use observium community edition
Observium CE (6th October 2016)

I attach log from poller:

./poller.php -i 4 -n 1 -dd > /home/janix/poller.log

in file.

This device is the most important. We can send more log files if it will
be necessary.

Best regards,

Janusz Janik

Janusz Janik
observium mailing list