memory_limit is set to 128MB per default, what would be the observium memory requirement based on port/device numbers?. Given the scalability issues I'm seeing in Observium (I'm probably guilty of not having enough time to tune MySQL/PHP also), I'm thinking about splitting this installation base (that would be fair only with MySQL/PHP configuration issues ruled out).Are there any plans to implement some kind of device grouping for display purposes?, right now I have devices from IT world (servers & switches, my initial setup) and routers from another Business Unit. I could offer the nice insight that Observium provides to another team (Transmission), but that would add another 10k/15k/20k ports (not sure) so that would requiere some kind of logical division as the teams probably don't need all this worlds mixed at each page load (although they ocassionally need info on equipment from the other teams).Regards,