Hi Andi!
See my answers between the lines.
On 2015-07-30 17:56, Andi Qirjazi wrote:
Hi Tylla,
thanks for the explanation, but again the button doesn't want to move from Atlantic Ocean... :)
OK, but the map works, no? So if you zoom out you see the map of the world? Just asking because of your last question below... :)
I did the following configuration
- At Cisco device: snmp-server location "TB HQ Office"
- At config.php the following configuration:
$config['location_map']['TB HQ Office']="Rruga Ibrahim Rugova, 1001, Tirana, [41.316667, 19.819135]"; and as Geocoding API I'm using "mapquest", but again no change on the map.
I did check the address you entered in your location override, and MapQuest can't find the location. Nevertheless Google maps found the location. And the coordinates included in the location in square brackets should definitely pinpoint the location.
I added as default Lat & Long Tirana's Coordinates, as you suggested, but again no change on the button. :)
$config['geocoding']['default']['lat'] = "41.316667"; // Default latitude $config['geocoding']['default']['lon'] = "19.819135"; // Default longitude
at Observium web page, there is the following event log :
Recent Eventlog Entries Date Device Entity Message 2015-07-30 16:40:02 r_tr System Location -> Rruga Ibrahim Rugova, 1001, Tirana, [41.316667, 19.819135] 2015-07-30 16:35:08 r_tr System Location -> TB HQ Office
So, Observium has recognized as address or location, but is not reflected to the map...
So, I'm missing something , but what is it....:)
I made a small experiment, and the settings for the default lat/lon gets used immediately (no poll, no discover needed). So if you're changing the default location and after updating the Observium page the point of your server doesn't move along, then something really strange is going on. I think you should check your browsers Javascript console for errors, and maybe your server php log too. Maybe you should check a different browser on a different machine.
and something else, should observium connect to the internet for using the map? I'm check at firewall, but no traffic from Observium is generated. I have configured proxy settings at config.php file, but no traffic at all.
The traffic should come from the machine that you are using the browser on to look at the Observium web page, not from the Observium running/data collecting machine itself.
Btw: I was wrong with my assumption that those machines without location are put on the location 0,0 as that would be somewhere south of Ghana in the Atlantic Ocean, but in reality those machines are put to Ponta Delgada (in the Atlantic Ocean too, but west of Portugal).
Good luck finding out the problem. Tylla