The more the better, of course!
Particularly when we're building things which have "global" pages, having more than one device and type helps to make sure the layout works properly for more than a single device.
It's often the case that we work from just a single model of a device, so we do a lot of work blind to any variations.
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On 21 August 2015 14:11:24 Jason Vanlandingham van.sjason@gmail.com wrote:
I have a 2106. The 4400 series will probably give you everything and more you could get from mine, but the 2106 has a "unique" (weird) port configuration. Let me know if you'd like to get at it.
On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 2:51 AM, Adam Armstrong adama@memetic.org wrote:
Hi Basile,
SNMP access always helps.
Wireless stuff has been somewhat stalled due to the complexity of supporting each vendors own unique way of presenting information, but its still on the list!
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On 21 August 2015 8:49:29 am Basile Bluntschli < basile.bluntschli@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Team
a few ages ago there was a poll from Adam about which Wireless System should be supported. Since then I have not seen any progress on Cisco WLC. Is there anything in the works? Would SNMP access help?
Thanks Basile
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