Yes it could resolve my issue but what i had entered into my SysLocation parameters does not contains specific characters. I think the bug is how observium use the Geolocalisation (based on Google maps?)
For example, I have this text in the "Location Geo" parameter of a device: "France (Country), Rhône-Alpes (State), Bourg-en-Bresse (County), Neyron (City)", but me I only set the city in SMNP parameters.
And also another pb, not related with special characters, example with "NYC" and "New York City", same place but different rendering in Observium...
Let me know if you need more info to resolve this bug Best Aurélien
De : observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] De la part de chott@praha1.net Envoyé : lundi 14 septembre 2015 10:15 À : Observium Network Observation System observium@observium.org Objet : Re: [Observium] Bug concerning text with special characters
We had the same problem on different devices. Probably problem with encoding into device, Linux Working fine but Cisco SB not....
Now use only standart character defined into network Device
From: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] On Behalf Of Aurélien PERRODY Sent: Monday, September 14, 2015 10:10 AM To: Observium Network Observation System Subject: [Observium] Bug concerning text with special characters
Hello Observium team, Just found a little bug concerning text with special characters, as attached with this message. It's strange because the text is correctly displayed just below. And the result is all my devices are not in the same group, I cannot do something because the regional settings are automatically filled and managed by Observium, from the name of the town (as I set in the snmp parameters of my devices). Can you check this point ? Thanks, best Aurélien