On 2014-03-11 19:56, Tony Lill wrote:
Running that caused one minor change, but didn't fix anything. The problem is block device names such as returned by the ucd diskio mib are essentially meaningless and and should be assumed to be randomly assigned on reboot, if not more often.
When I was doing my own thing with mrtg, I ran a script that mapped the snmp index to a string that I grubbed out of /dev/disk/by-id
I'm assuming that observium uses that table to map the snmp index to a diskio_id and uses that to store the data. If I go in and fix the index and description, will observium overwrite it. I'm assuming no, since it hasn't fixed itself.
It seems the discovery code is still unfinished, it won't update existing entries, only add or remove them.
From includes/discovery/ucd-diskio.inc.php :
else { echo("."); // FIXME Need update code here! }
This is what happens when you code on the move and forget what you're doing!
I'll fix it in SVN, but it won't make it into CE for a while.
In the mean time, you could truncate the table and rediscover, and it'll be fine.
Thanks, adam.