You should /not/ have to chmod these files, they are delivered by SVN with the executable bit set.

Are you sure you didn't chmod 644 the entire observium directory or something?


Jason Ross <> wrote:

Yeah, I knew of the files, I just didn’t know if poller py files meant the file or if it was some other file…


Success! Chmod +x on the poller.php, discovery.php, and files fixed it. All graphs, except FTB Table Usage, are working correctly. Finally!

Thanks everyone for your help…and patience. Maybe someone can add this fix under the FAQ “My graphs don’t work” or something? It would have save me hours and you guys a thousand questions. Anyway, thanks again.



From: observium [] On Behalf Of Josh Hopper
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 8:27 PM
To: Observium Network Observation System
Subject: Re: [Observium] Graph Data only displays -nan


Its poller.php and discovery.php


cd /opt/observium



Its there.


Since the split from free to liscensed you have to chmod some files to get it to work. I’m not sure why. :/




Joshua Hopper, A+ CE

Network Administrator

            420 3rd Ave NW Hickory NC 28601

Office: 828-449-1839x2160 | Cell: 828-855-7565


From: observium [] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 9:03 PM
To: Observium Network Observation System
Subject: Re: [Observium] Graph Data only displays -nan


In /opt/observium

On Dec 17, 2013 7:00 PM, "Jason Ross" <> wrote:


Poller py files?


From: observium [] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 5:47 PM
To: Observium Network Observation System
Subject: Re: [Observium] Graph Data only displays -nan


I had to do chmod +x on the poller py and the discovery php files and they have been running for almost a week now

On Dec 17, 2013 6:21 PM, "Jason Ross" <> wrote:

So if I created the file /etc/cron.d/Observium and entered the cron jobs as in the instructions, why wouldn’t they be running?


From: observium [] On Behalf Of Adam Armstrong
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 4:50 PM
To: Observium Network Observation System
Subject: Re: [Observium] Graph Data only displays -nan


That is indeed what it would suggest!

Jason Ross <> wrote:

So while I've been building another server, I noticed that after I add a new device to observum via the web gui, it is displayed in the devices, but after 30 minutes, it still hasn't been polled or discovered. Would this indicate that my cron jobs aren't running as they should be? Last question about this, I promise.



-----Original Message-----
From: observium [] On Behalf Of Adam Armstrong

Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 3:30 PM

To: Observium Network Observation System
Subject: Re: [Observium] Graph Data only displays -nan

Well, it seems to definitely be correctly updating and running the poller.

If your RRDs are being created, then there are no permissions issues (poller runs as root anyways). I really can't see why it's not working, unless your crontab entries are not being run.


If you want to give me access to t


server, I can fix and tell everyone what you did wrong! ;P


On 2013-12-17 23:21, Jason Ross wrote:

 Whoops…sorry. Forgot to paste it in.


 port_id => 3

 device_id => 1

 port_64bit => 1

 port_label =>

 port_descr_type => null

 port_descr_descr => null


 port_descr_circuit => null

 port_descr_speed => null

 port_descr_notes => null

 ifDescr => 3

 ifName => 3

 portName => null

 ifIndex => 3


 ifSpeed => 100000000

 ifConnectorPresent => true

 ifPromiscuousMode => true

 ifHighSpeed => 100

 ifOperStatus => up

 ifAdminStatus => up

 ifDuplex => fullDuplex


 ifMtu => 1514

 ifType => ethernetCsmacd

 ifAlias =>

 ifPhysAddress => 00110ae4e7fd

 ifHardType => null

 ifLastChange => 2013-12-17 06:38:12

 date-8hr America/Los_Angeles (UTC-8)


 ifVlan => 1

 ifTrunk => dot1Q

 ifVrf => null

 ignore => 0

 disabled => 0

 detailed => 0

 deleted => 0

 pagpOperationMode => null


 pagpPortState => null

 pagpPartnerDeviceId => null

 pagpPartnerLearnMethod => null

 pagpPartnerIfIndex => null

 pagpPartnerGroupIfIndex => null

 pagpPartnerDeviceName => null


 pagpEthcOperationMode => null

 pagpDeviceId => null

 pagpGroupIfIndex => null

 ifInUcastPkts => 2154573


 ifInUcastPkts_delta => 203755

 ifInUcastPkts_rate => 217

 ifOutUcastPkts => 304943357

 ifOutUcastPkts_delta => 291120

 ifOutUcastPkts_rate => 310

 ifInErrors => 163


 ifInErrors_delta => 0

 ifInErrors_rate => 0

 ifOutErrors => 0

 ifOutErrors_delta => 0

 ifOutErrors_rate => 0

 ifOctets_rate => 384524

 ifUcastPkts_rate => 527


 ifErrors_rate => 0

 ifInOctets => 28916762299

 ifInOctets_delta => 27302870

 ifInOctets_rate => 29077

 ifOutOctets => 353122057304

 ifOutOctets_delta => 333765358


 ifOutOctets_rate => 355448

 ifInOctets_perc => 0

 ifOutOctets_perc => 3

 poll_time => 1387321711

 poll_period => 939

 hostname =&g



 human_speed => 100Mbps

 human_type => Ethernet

 html_class =>

 human_mac => 00:11:0a:e4:e7:fd

 label => 3

 entity_name => 3

 entity_shortname => 3


 entity_descr =>

 admin_status => enabled

 table_tab_colour => #194B7F

 row_class =>

 in_rate => 232616

 out_rate => 2843584

 bps_in_style => color: #008C00;


 bps_out_style => color: #394182;

 pps_in_style => color: #740074;

 pps_out_style => color: #FF7400;

 humanized => true

 graph_type => port_errors

 FROM: Jason Ross


 SENT: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 3:21 PM
TO: 'Observium Network Observation System'
SUBJECT: RE: [Observium] Graph Data only displays -nan

 Well, one last attempt before building aga


using vmware instead of 
 hyper-v so I can copy/paste the install guide… Here is the output of
 clicking on “Data” for a device’s port. This has traffic bandwidth
 info displayed in viewing all ports of the device, but again, only has


 “-nan” for data.

 To me it looks like the data it needs I there, but maybe I’m missing
 something? I also just removed the mysql database, deleted the rrd
 directory, re-created rrd, chown’d it to www-data:www-data, and


 recreated the database per the install page, and copied 
 config.php.default over to config.php again. This should be a fresh
 start for permissions and graphing that we’ve been discussing correct?


 FROM: observium [] ON BEHALF OF 

 Josh Hopper
SENT: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 2:24 PM
TO: Observium Network Observation System
SUBJECT: Re: [Observium] Graph Data only dis



 Doh! My mistake. I’ll use it next quarter. I promise.



 Joshua Hopper, A+ CE

 _Network Administrator_

 420 3rd Ave NW Hickory NC 28601

 Office: 828-449-1839x2160 | Cell: 828-855-7565


 FROM: observium [] ON BEHALF OF
 Adam Armstrong
SENT: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 5:09 PM
TO: Observium Network Observation System


 SUBJECT: Re: [Observium] Graph Data only displays -nan

 He seems to be using svn :)


 Josh Hopper <> wrote:


 Adam, the Community version is now different. You just have to CHMOD
 the RRD directory.

 Remove SNMP if it applies (as per the guide). But the CHMOD 755 on RRD
 wasn’t in the guide.




 Joshua Hopper, A+ CE




 420 3rd Ave NW Hickory NC 28601

 Office: 828-449-1839x2160 | Cell: 828-855-7565

 FROM: observium [] ON BEHALF OF
 Adam Armstrong
SENT: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 5:03 PM
TO: Observium Network Observation System


 SUBJECT: Re: [Observium] Graph Data only displays -nan

 Which version of Ubuntu?

 The install guide is copy&paste idiot proof, pretty much!


 Jason Ross <> wrote:


 Yes, virtualized using hyper-v, but nothing else is on it. Started
 with a fresh image of Ubuntu server and went right into the Observium
 install instructions.

 FROM: observium [] ON BEHALF OF


 Adam Armstrong
SENT: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 1:16 PM
TO: Observium Network Observation System
SUBJECT: Re: [Observium]


Data only displays -nan

 Is this a clean server with nothing else on it?

 Jason Ross <> wrote:

 Ok, so I know my graphing issus are permissions related, and I’ve


 checked the rrd folder permissions / tried adjusting them with 
 solutions given to other people with graphing problems. I’m still
 unable to get anything other than “-nan” into the graphs.

 -All graphs write, but no data is displayed.


 -Realtime graphs display data

 -Traffic stats is being displayed in the “Ports” tab for my devices.

 Install Info:

 -During last setup/install I enabled root user and installed
 everything under root. (Was a last ditch effort and I’ll change / redo


 after I get this working at least once…)

 -rrd folder has root:root listed with “ls -la” output. (I tried using
 www-data:ww-data, Observium:root, et

 c with

no success.)

 -cron jobs (not using e-tab) had user “root” listed exactly like in
 the install guide. /etc/cron.d/Observium Currently has no user listed,
 but it made no difference that I can see.


 Today I updated to version 4836 and had “no auth” displayed in the
 device graphs previews, which I hadn’t ever seen before. Seems like it
 was something that changed from 4811 to 4836 as I hadn’t made any


 other changes. However, I still only get –nan in the data fields, 
 which furthers my belief that I’m missing something having to do with
 folder permissions.

 Can someone give a list of folders that need to have specific


 permissions set? And if you’re feeling REALLY generous, maybe even 
 what the permissions should be with knowing that everything was
 installed using the root user? I’d really love to move past this and

 start testing Observium!




 FROM: observium [] ON BEHALF OF
 Jason Ross
SENT: Friday, December 06, 2013 10:25 AM


 TO: Observium Network Observation System
SUBJECT: Re: [Observium] Graph Data only displays -nan

 Any other ideas or things I can check?

 FROM: observium [] ON BEHALF OF


 Jason Ross
SENT: Thursday, December 05, 2013 3:48 PM
TO: Observium Network Observation System
SUBJECT: Re: [Observium] Graph Data only displays -nan

 Ha! Yeah I can at least pick up on the hints. :-)


 FROM: observium [] ON BEHALF OF
 Adam Armstrong
SENT: Thursday, December 05, 2013 3:45 PM
TO: Observium Network Observation System


 SUBJECT: Re: [Observium] Graph Data only displays -nan

 No, that is correct.

 Some people insist on trying to pu

 t them

in a user cron file with 
 crontab -e, very common error, hence the big red box!


 Jason Ross <> wrote:


 Not sure if you meant cron jobs instead of from jobs, but it seems
 like you may have. I followed the instructions:

 Add cron jobs, create a new file /etc/cron.d/observium with the
 following contents:



 Please note that the below example includes a username, so will only
 work in /etc/crontab or /etc/cron.d/observium. It will NOT work in a
 user crontab edited with crontab -e.

 33 */6 * * * root /opt/observium/discovery.php -h all >> /dev/null 


 */5 * * * * root /opt/observium/discovery.php -h new >> /dev/null 2>&1

 */5 * * * * root /opt/observium/ 1 >> /dev/null 2>&1


 So these


jobs are in a file I created located at 
 /etc/cron.d/Observium. Do I need to move them?


 FROM: observium [] ON BEHALF OF


 Adam Armstrong
SENT: Thursday, December 05, 2013 3:39 PM
TO: Observium Network Observation System
SUBJECT: Re: [Observium] Graph Data only displays -nan

 So where did you put the observium from jobs...?



 Jason Ross <> wrote:

 Sorry it’s a screenshot instead of text…don’t have an easy way to grab
 files off that server yet. Here is the output.


 FROM: observium [] ON BEHALF OF
 Tom Laermans
SENT: Thursday, December 05, 2013 12:59 PM
TO: Observium Network Observation System


 SUBJECT: Re: [Observium] Graph Data only displays -nan

 Please paste the output of this command: c




 On 05/12/2013 21:40, Jason Ross wrote:

 First, I must apologize for yet another question about “graphs not
 working”. However, I have read everything I can find in the mail


 archives, in forums, and have reinstalled multiple times following the 
 instructions exactly. Each time with the –nan listed for all data
 points. Verified permissions on the rrd and tmp folders and both match


 the same user/group as what everything is running as. I eventually 
 resorted to installing and running everything as root to try and
 resolve permission errors. Once I figure out what’s wrong I’ll go back

 to std user. Sorry for the long email, but I wanted to include 

 everything I know so far.

 Monitoring Host:

 Ubuntu 13.04

 Observium 13.12.4811

 Virtual Machine on Hyper-V

 Currently Monitored Devices:

 3 HP Procurve Switches

 1 Ricoh Copier

 2 Sonicwall Firewalls

 Testing results thus far:

 1. Real-time graphing works for each device.

 2. Every other graph is drawn, but has “-nan” for each data point.
 Same for each device.


 3. Prior to installing jpgraph (to get billing to work) all devices
 did not list traffic data under the Ports tab.

 4. Post jpgraph install and config, traffic info under Ports tab works
 for Ricoh Copier and 1 of 3 HP Procurve switches, but no other devices.


 Only 0 bps is listed.

 5. Enabled rrdcached in the config file with adding
 $config['rrdcached'] = "unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock";.

 6. Ran discovery and polling for everything again and all devices list


 stats for traffic under Ports tab.

 7. Billing still doesn’t capture traffic data on any device.

 8. Billing Accurate Gr


gives an error of 25121 – “Empty input data 
 array specified for plot. Must have at least one data point.”

 I believe billing errors may be related to the rest.

 I ran discovery and polling in debug mode writing to text files and it


 appears that the data is being pulled from the device correctly. It 
 also looks like it writes the data into the rrd device file and
 updates the mysql database without showing any errors. Thus, I’m
 perplexed as to what it could be and have no direction to look into…


 Help would be appreciated.


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