Ah, so they are seeing devices in that list they don't actually have access to in Observium?

Sounds like something we need to fix, regardless of providing an option to disable the list completely.

Could you file a bug in Jira?


On 07/11/2014 05:46 PM, Yavor Buyukliev wrote:
We have many clients in "Same subnet" address space. And we don't want they can see each other.
Or, don't want to provide information about the network devices they are connected to. 

On fri, 2014-07-11 at 17:28 +0200, Tom Laermans wrote:
There is currently no configuration option for this. What is your use case?

On 07/11/2014 05:17 PM, Yavor Buyukliev wrote:

Thanks to clarify this.
Maybe some other pointers then?
Like a way to check if account is a type "user" in file ./observium/html/includes/print-interface.inc.php

On fri, 2014-07-11 at 16:56 +0200, Tom Laermans wrote:
On 07/11/2014 04:52 PM, Yavor Buyukliev wrote:

Hi List,

is there any way to disable "Same subnet" details on interface for user accounts, or globally for all?
I try to set $config['web_show_disabled']        = TRUE; 
in my config.php, but can't see any change at all.
Probably because that setting has nothing to do with what you're asking - it enables/disables showing disabled hosts.


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