
How exactly are you trying to make Observium talk to squid? Observium won't talk to squid itself. Observium is just an SNMP monitoring platform that speaks SNMP.

As far as I'm aware no one has written an app plugin to collect data from squid, either. :(


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On Dec 13 2021, at 7:51 am, Hofer, Elmar (BITBW) via observium <observium@observium.org> wrote:
Dear list,


I want to monitor my squid instances on snmp port 3401 udp with observium. But when I try to add the device (here squid on port 3401 udp) I don’t get an answer. With cacti everything works well, an even with snmpwalk and snmp v1 I get an answer.


How can I add squid to observium ? Help is always welcome. Thanks.




Elmar Hofer

Systemspezialist Sicherheitstechnik



IT Baden Württemberg


Abteilung 3

Referat 31 – Operative Sicherheit


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