Hi all,

I'm trying to set up some more proactive alerts for my hosts and either the mempool options for alerting are too generic or the docs are out of date.  I want to have an alert checker triggered for active used memory, does that exist yet?  I'm not talking about total used memory, which includes buffers and cache and is caught by mempool_perc for Physical Memory, but the active used memory (See "Used" memory in attached screencap).  I can't find any way to make that happen and that would be much more useful than having an alert that includes buffers and cache in the tally.

If I were to create an alert for mempool_perc >= 90% using "Physical Memory" then pretty much 100% of my hosts would alert because of buffers and cache being included.  I'd also like to catch memory utilization issues before systems start to swap out, so I'd like to avoid having swap usage be the trigger.

Is that possible currently or perhaps is it on the to-do list? :)

Something else that would be great is to alert for load averages.  I know someone else was asking about this a few months back and it wasn't possible at the time, so here's another vote to get it added.  Sometimes we have processes get stuck in I/O wait and the only way to catch when this becomes a real problem is with a high load average since processes in this state don't drive up CPU.

Currently running

