On 17.09.15 12:57, Attila Nagy wrote:
Hi Adam and everyone!
I have two small bugs to report. I'm using Observium CE, I'm closely following the mail list, but if the below mentioned glitches/bugs were between solved, then sorry for wasting your time.
- I had this problem for longer, but now I found the way to formulate
it properly. We have sysLocation strings alike this: Qualitis Iroda / Iroda - 1131 Budapest, Béke utca 116 [47.541773,19.085868]
Now when I check the "Geolocation" tab in the "Device Settings" I see following in the "Last Update Status": Geocoding ENABLED, try detect device coordinates: by REVERSE query (API: MAPQUEST, LAT: 47.541773, LON: 19.085868) - FOUND GEO API REQUEST: http://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/v1/reverse.php?format=json&accept-... GEOLOCATION: Hungary (Country), Unknown (State), Budapesti kistérség (County), Budapest (City) GEO COORDINATES: 47.54163 (Latitude), 19.0859 (Longitude)
The problem as I see, is that after using the coordinates given in the sysLocation string to make a reverse query to lookup the Country, State, County etc., the geocoding API returns some coordinates which corresponds to THEIR found geolocation. But the geocoding API sometimes can give really offset coordinates, especially for some bigger sites, where it gives back the entrance. So if there are coordinates specified in sysLocation, then they should be used to pinpoint the device, no matter what the geocoding API says. PS: the documentation also says: "But observium anyway will store in DB specified coordinates." But this is currently not true.
Because these added in most recent Pro edition and will fixed in nex CE release ;)
- I stumbled upon this while trying to get the data out of the Last
Update Status Field for previous bug. The fields in the "Geolocation" tab in the "Device Settings" are marked with attribute disabled="disabled", and if something should be made writable, then this attribute is removed. I would suggest using the readonly attribute, as that would enable focusing and selecting from the given field. Not to mention the pure logic would tell the same, those fields are unmodifiable, so readonly should be used.
difference readonly and disabled: when used readonly flag, than these params are sent to server and if used disabled flag - not sent..
Regards, Attila
observium mailing list observium@observium.org http://postman.memetic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/observium