The RRD directory can be a challenge if its large, but there are ways, like possibly keeping it on a ZFS drive array and using the snapshot backup option, never tried it with rrd but i assume it would work, then your missing rrd would be limited to the downtime of the server and the time it takes to restore the rrd files and then start up the pollers again 

On 02 Nov 2017, at 09:36, Markus Klock <> wrote:

What do you mean by a hot backup?
Observium uses a standard MySQL-database which can be easliy backup with mysqldump
Use the --single-transaction to just dump the whole DB to a file, as this is done as a single transaction there is no issues with doing this on the live database.

To recover a broken Observium server you will need backup of 3 things. The MySQL-DB, the rrd-directory and the config.php-file


2017-11-02 5:44 GMT+01:00 Vikas Kumar <>:
Web Bug from all,

Is it possible to take hot backup of observium database? Also if the observium server crashes unexpectedly will we be able to recover it?



Vikas Kumar |  Hospitality & PR Coordinator
Mood Indigo, IIT Bombay

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