This device already should detect by sysDescr, but anyway I added this sysObjectID in r7863.
Try update and rediscovery device.
On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 1:40 AM, ffuentes ffuentes@aasteel.com wrote:
I got this form the Observium logs: sysObjectID -> '.'
Hope it helps.
Fernando Fuentes Supervisor & Senior Systems Administrator Email: ffuentes@aasteel.com
American Alloy Steel, Inc. Houston, Texas Website: http://www.aasteel.com
Phone: 713-744-4222 Fax: 713-300-5688
On 05/16/2016 05:31 PM, Adam Armstrong wrote:
Do you know the sysObjectId of the device in question?
Thanks, Adam.
Sent from BlueMail http://www.bluemail.me/r
On May 16, 2016, at 22:56, ffuentes < ffuentes@aasteel.com ffuentes@aasteel.com> wrote:
Hello Team,
We just moved from Extreme to Brocade and found out that Observium does not detect properly the VDX Switch stack. It just has the logo with a "?".
Any ideas if the VDX line from brocade will be add it to the Professional Version?
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