I have the same with our monitoring.
All the vmware servers show all vms twice.

On Feb 02, 2016, at 11:48 PM, Peter.Hine@familycourt.gov.au wrote:


going to the VMs tab of a vmWare server shows duplicate entries.

hunting this down in the code shows the following in

foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM vminfo WHERE device_id = ? ORDER BY
vm_name", array($device['device_id'])) as $vm)
print_vm_row($vm, $device);

so running it on the command line
echo 'SELECT * FROM vminfo WHERE device_id = '586' ORDER BY vm_name' |
mysql --user=observium --password=not_my_pass observium

reveals the entries to be duplicated in the table.

they all seem to have the last field as a difference. there must be
something missing in the code for adding the entries to not find the first
entries and update them.

2586 586 vmware cbr-desktop E: tools not running 3072 2
powered off 4239aa20-542a-f088-dedf-afb508da6a9c NULL
2757 586 vmware cbr-desktop E: tools not running 3072 2
powered off 4239aa20-542a-f088-dedf-afb508da6a9c vmware-snmp

either NULL or vmware-snmp.

Can someone in the Team give me a sql to remove the bad rows ?


Peter Hine
Senior Technical Support Engineer (Servers)

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