looks pretty new'ish, but interesting -- probably a bit 'off-topic' here...

From: Markus Klock <>
Reply-To: Observium <>
Date: Wednesday, 16 July 2014 7:53 pm
To: Observium <>
Subject: Re: [Observium] Using PHP Weathermap with Observium

It was actually my cut n paste error as I sent him the file :p
Well, the github is updates, thanks for the heads-up guys!


2014-07-16 12:20 GMT+02:00 Adam Armstrong <>:
laf? cut and paste error?

surely not!


On 2014-07-16 10:23, Peter Childs wrote: [4]


'fdb' => 'FDB Tables');
$rendered_maps = array();

I assumed the 'fdb' => ... Was a cut-n-paste error from somewhere and
removed it and resolved that issue?

From: Markus Klock <>
Reply-To: Observium <>
Date: Wednesday, 16 July 2014 6:34 pm
To: Observium <>
Subject: Re: [Observium] Using PHP Weathermap with Observium

That is correct, sorry! It should be /opt/observium/html/includes/
updated the blogpost...
hmm, and you have the weathermap plugin installed and created the


2014-07-16 10:57 GMT+02:00 Laurens Vets <>:

Hello Markus,

We are migrating from Cacti to Observium and it was a great
experience, the only thing we lacked were the weathermap plugin for
getting that nice network overview.
I then found that Neil Lathwood wrote a modified version of the PHP
Weathermap that works with Observium data, you can find it on his
github: [1] [1]

I wrote a quick and dirty script that adds the weathermaps to the
Observium menu without modifying Observium-code so that it will not
break when updating Observium.
It works really well so I wrote a little guide for how you get the
weathermap to work with Observium and posted it here: [2]

In case there are more people interested in using the weathermap with
Observium :)

Maybe it's just me, but I do not have a /opt/observium/html/include/ directory, shouldn't that be includes?

If I copy the from the weathermap directory to that includes directory, Observium doesn't even load the interface properly...

I'm using the latest Observium version.

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