Dears, good morning!
We have a problem in the syslog system. The logs of HP network equipment appear with a 'prefix' %% 10 in the attribute 'program' and this greatly hinders the display of logs and selecting the 'program' from the menu. Please could check this question for future updates?
22-09-2015 13:52:10 core-dc Informational (6) %%10SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD(L) : -Task=vt0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is jumboframe enable 22-09-2015 12:16:33 core-pusp Notification (5) %%10CFM/5/CFM_SAVECONFIG_SUCCESS : Configuration is saved successfully. 22-09-2015 12:16:33 core-pusp Notification (5) %%10CFGMAN/5/CFGMAN_CFGCHANGED(L : -EventIndex=2-CommandSource=1-ConfigSource=2 is changed. 22-09-2015 11:52:57 core-eesc Notification (5) %%10IFNET/5/LINEPROTO_UPDOWN(L) : Line protocol on the interface Vlan-interface122 is UP. 22-09-2015 11:52:57 core-eesc Error (3) %%10IFNET/3/LINK_UPDOWN(L) : Vlan-interface122 link status is UP.
[]´s ________________ Kleber C. S. Coelho USP - São Carlos 16.3373-8870