Come on guys, you make me laugh! (no
offense intended...)
Ivan, try to understand what Spencer was saying.
He just tried to explain (albeit in a real minimalist style ;-)
that there is no such IP address that cannot be mapped to a DNS.
You can map any IP address to many host names - there are almost
endless possibilities.
OTOH what you tried to say (at least in my interpretation, correct
me if I'm wrong) is that you can not map your IP addresses to a
DNS or host file _in a meaningful way_.
But that's a completely different story.
If you cannot map your IP addresses in a meaningful way AND you
want to use Observium, then you should map your IP addresses in
some less meaningful ways. Like host_A.B.C.D => A.B.C.D
If I understood you correctly, in your network you have plenty of
IP addresses/ranges that are being associated/used by hosts on an
almost random (or some unpredictable) way. And you want to monitor
What I would like to ask you (and you should ask yourself too),
what is network monitoring good for, if you are unable to tell
which device was actually monitored at what time?
This is the same problem Steve Costaras lined out, and as he told
us they have a pretty hard time figuring it out.
They are searching for a needle in a haystack while they are not
quite sure about the appearance of the needle. :)
So if you want to monitor an IP address that gets picked up by
some host, used for a while and then abandoned, and picked up by
another host etc...
then bite the bullet and create some DNS resolution solution
(there were some options mentioned here before) for Observium to
be able to handle the situation.
As for your last post:
Does a problem exist? Yes, Observium is unable to handle devices
by IP address, only by hostname.
Does it impose a big obstacle? It depends on the usage pattern,
but there are solutions/workarounds etc. for average businesses
this makes no problem.
Is this a bug or a feature? It is a feature, as this was a design
decision, which was taken by Adam, and if you want to use the
program you have to live with it. Or try to convince Adam to
change it, but as this is a real fundamental thing I really doubt
they would be taking it easily.
My 2cents,
On 2016-05-10 00:12, Ivan Jukic wrote:
That's is you solution. Pretend the issue/problem
doesn't exist. Brilliant!!
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