I attempted the rancid integration from the configuration options. I had a separate rancid configuration that I attempted to modify following the guide that seems to have broken my rancid.

Please help. Either I need a way to reverse the effect of this command:
 php /opt/observium/scripts/generate-rancid.php > /var/lib/rancid/networking/router.db

or fix rancid's ability to read the etc/hosts file

I now keep getting this in /tmp:

-rw-r-----  1 rancid   rancid       0 Jul 18 03:45 .networking.run.lock

I think my rancid can't read the /etc/hosts or something, because testing clogin results like this:
rancid@rancid:/var/lib/rancid/logs$ /usr/lib/rancid/bin/clogin
spawn telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

User Access Verification

Username: rancid
Connection closed by foreign host.
rancid@rancid:/var/lib/rancid/logs$ /usr/lib/rancid/bin/clogin FP-3750-TX
spawn telnet fp-3750-tx
Connected to FP-3750-TX.
Escape character is '^]'.

User Access Verification

Username: rancid
% Login invalid

Username: rancid

errors in rancid logs (/var/lib/rancid/logs):
starting: Sat Jul 18 03:30:01 EDT 2015

Trying to get all of the configs.
fp-3750-nj clogin error: Error: Invalid login: fp-3750-nj
fp-3750-nj: missed cmd(s): dir /all nvram:,show controllers,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all harddiskb:,dir /all harddisk:,dir /all sec-disk2:,dir /all disk2:,dir /all sec-disk1:,dir /all slot2:,show spe version,dir /all slavebootflash:,dir /all sup-bootflash:,dir /all slaveslot0:,show flash,show vtp status,write term,show inventory raw,show vlan-switch,dir /all slavenvram:,show boot,show variables boot,dir /all sup-microcode:,show diagbus,dir /all sec-nvram:,dir /all sec-disk0:,show debug,dir /all bootflash:,show bootvar,dir /all sec-slot1:,dir /all slavedisk2:,show shun,show diag,dir /all slavedisk1:,show c7200,show vlan,dir /all disk0:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all disk1:,show redundancy secondary,show running-config view full,dir /all slaveslot2:,show env all,dir /all sec-bootflash:,show controllers cbus,show rsp chassis-info,show install active,dir /all slot0:,dir /all slot1:,dir /all sec-slot2:,show gsr chassis,dir /all sup-bootdisk:,show idprom backplane,more system:running-config,show version,show module,dir /all slavedisk0:,show capture,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all slaveslot1:,show diag chassis-info,show running-config
fp-3750-nj: End of run not found
fp-3750-tx clogin error: Error: Invalid login: fp-3750-tx
fp-3750-tx: missed cmd(s): dir /all slavedisk0:,show controllers cbus,dir /all disk1:,show c7200,show idprom backplane,show diagbus,dir /all nvram:,show boot,show module,dir /all slot2:,dir /all slavedisk1:,dir /all sup-bootdisk:,show rsp chassis-info,dir /all slavebootflash:,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all slaveslot1:,show install active,show flash,show inventory raw,show vlan,dir /all sec-disk0:,dir /all sec-disk1:,dir /all sec-nvram:,dir /all slaveslot0:,show spe version,show controllers,dir /all slavenvram:,show bootvar,dir /all disk2:,show env all,dir /all bootflash:,show gsr chassis,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all sec-slot1:,dir /all slot1:,dir /all disk0:,show variables boot,show shun,show diag,show running-config view full,dir /all sec-disk2:,show version,more system:running-config,dir /all sec-slot0:,show diag chassis-info,dir /all sup-bootflash:,write term,dir /all harddisk:,dir /all sec-bootflash:,dir /all slot0:,show capture,show vtp status,show redundancy secondary,show debug,dir /all sec-slot2:,dir /all slavedisk2:,dir /all harddiskb:,show running-config,show vlan-switch,dir /all slaveslot2:,dir /all sup-microcode:
fp-3750-tx: End of run not found
qfx_ex-vc-telx_nj jlogin error: Error: Couldn't login
qfx_ex-vc-telx_nj: missed cmd(s): show chassis alarms,show chassis hardware detail,show version detail,show chassis clocks,show chassis fpc detail,show chassis scb,show system core-dumps,show system boot-messages,show chassis routing-engine,show chassis ssb,show chassis cfeb,show chassis feb,show configuration,show chassis sfm detail,show chassis firmware,show system license,show chassis feb detail,show chassis environment
qfx_ex-vc-telx_nj: End of run not found
# clogin error: Error: TIMEOUT reached missed cmd(s): show running-config,show environment fex all fan,dir usb2:,show version build-info all,show inventory,show module xbar,show boot,term no monitor-force,dir logflash:,show module,show vlan,show system redundancy status,show environment clock,dir bootflash:,show environment fan,show processes log vdc-all,dir slot0:,show version,show license,dir debug:,show vtp status,show license usage,dir volatile:,show environment temperature,show license host-id,show debug,show environment power,dir usb1:,show cores vdc-all End of run not found
/usr/bin/tail: cannot open ‘’ for reading: No such file or directory
srx-pune jlogin error: Error: Check your password for srx-pune
srx-pune: missed cmd(s): show chassis ssb,show chassis routing-engine,show chassis firmware,show chassis scb,show system core-dumps,show version detail,show configuration,show chassis sfm detail,show system license,show chassis hardware detail,show chassis environment,show chassis cfeb,show chassis feb,show chassis fpc detail,show chassis feb detail,show chassis clocks,show system boot-messages,show chassis alarms
srx-pune: End of run not found
ipt-nj-asa clogin error: Error: TIMEOUT reached
ipt-nj-asa: missed cmd(s): show module,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all slot1:,more system:running-config,dir /all slavedisk1:,show spe version,show diag chassis-info,dir /all sec-disk0:,dir /all nvram:,dir /all slavedisk2:,dir /all harddisk:,dir /all sec-bootflash:,show c7200,dir /all slavenvram:,dir /all disk2:,show idprom backplane,show vlan,show diagbus,dir /all slaveslot0:,dir /all sec-slot2:,show redundancy secondary,show install active,show gsr chassis,dir /all sup-bootflash:,show variables boot,dir /all sup-bootdisk:,dir /all harddiskb:,dir /all slot0:,dir /all bootflash:,dir /all slavebootflash:,show boot,dir /all disk0:,show version,dir /all sec-slot1:,show running-config,show capture,show running-config view full,dir /all slaveslot1:,dir /all sec-nvram:,show controllers,dir /all sup-microcode:,dir /all disk1:,dir /all slavedisk0:,show vtp status,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all slaveslot2:,show debug,show rsp chassis-info,show inventory raw,show flash,dir /all sec-disk1:,dir /all sec-disk2:,show controllers cbus,show diag,dir /all slot2:,write term,show bootvar,show vlan-switch,show env all,show shun
ipt-nj-asa: End of run not found
ipt-tx-asa clogin error: Error: TIMEOUT reached
ipt-tx-asa: missed cmd(s): show variables boot,show capture,dir /all disk1:,dir /all slot2:,show install active,dir /all slot1:,dir /all bootflash:,dir /all sup-microcode:,dir /all harddiskb:,show diag,show running-config,dir /all slaveslot1:,show boot,dir /all sup-bootdisk:,show spe version,show vlan,show gsr chassis,dir /all sec-slot2:,show vtp status,show diag chassis-info,dir /all slot0:,dir /all sec-disk2:,show shun,dir /all disk0:,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all nvram:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all sec-disk0:,write term,show rsp chassis-info,dir /all slavedisk1:,show running-config view full,dir /all sec-disk1:,dir /all slavedisk2:,show controllers,dir /all slavebootflash:,show debug,dir /all slavedisk0:,more system:running-config,show bootvar,dir /all sup-bootflash:,show vlan-switch,dir /all slavenvram:,show controllers cbus,show idprom backplane,dir /all sec-nvram:,show c7200,show env all,dir /all sec-slot1:,dir /all sec-bootflash:,dir /all slaveslot2:,dir /all disk2:,show inventory raw,dir /all slaveslot0:,show version,show diagbus,show redundancy secondary,show flash,dir /all harddisk:,show module,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:
ipt-tx-asa: End of run not found
srx-364 jlogin error: Error: TIMEOUT reached
srx-364: missed cmd(s): show chassis routing-engine,show chassis cfeb,show chassis sfm detail,show chassis environment,show chassis feb,show version detail,show chassis scb,show chassis ssb,show chassis alarms,show chassis fpc detail,show chassis feb detail,show configuration,show chassis firmware,show chassis hardware detail,show chassis clocks,show system core-dumps,show system boot-messages,show system license
srx-364: End of run not found
srx-mx jlogin error: Error: TIMEOUT reached
